Foundations of Modern Biology


The aim of this basic core course is to provide students a good background in genetics and molecular biology. The major focus is to

a) cover most important concepts in genetics like Mendelian laws, linkage and recombination
b) cover molecular mechanisms of gene expression
c) solve qualitative and quantitative problems in population and evolutionary genetics
  • Students are able to build simple probabilistic model for Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics. Students are able to solve problems on mitosis, recombination and cross-overs.
  • Students are able to construct and analyze pedigree charts and solve problems in linkage equilibrium, and population genetics
  • Students are able to solve problems in molecular mechanisms of gene expressions like replication, transcription and translation of genes.
  • Students are able to build simple mathematical models to understand gene regulatory networks of transcriptional and translation processes.

Course Offering