Communication Skills


A Course designed to supplement and optimize the use of technical skills with the use of effective communication skills and thus enhance professionalism among our students and give them a head start in their careers. Theory Communication-it's importance and definition, model of communication, effectiveness of medium. Organisational communication-formal and informal channels. Barriers in Communication.Non Verbal communication-it's importance and relevance, Listening Skills, Presentation Skills, Group Discussion, Business Writing. Resume writing etc.Blog writing to develop written communication and language expression.
Developing spoken skills in different contexts. Present ideas in public Presentation Skills Listen attentively to other's ideas Group Discussion Sequence and articulate ideas Extempore Developing ideas, articulating while thinking on your feet. sten attentively to other's ideas Group Discussion Sequence and articulate ideas Extempore Developing ideas, articulating while thinking on your feet.

  1. Students are able to generate, sequence and articulate ideas on a suggested topic with no prior preparation. Spur of the moment responses or off the cuff speech.
  2. Students are able to present ideas in public by preparing a power point presentation on a selected topic. To research and collate information, data on a given topic and to present it to an audience.
  3. Students are able to demonstrate Listening skills including evaluating others opinions and counter arguing in a Group Discussion format.
  4. Students are able to demonstrate Business writing skills including emails for specific official purposes and preparing a good CV.
  5. Students are able to read critically and analyse.

Course Offering