Multi-agent systems


Multi-agent systems is the study of interaction between multiple self-interested agents. The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to multi-agent systems, methods and algorithms to analyze several such systems under different settings. In particular, this course focuses on Game theory - cooperative and non-cooperative games, auctions and negotiation based methods. The multi-agent system techniques are general and have wide range of applications like e-commerce, robotics, health management, etc. The main application domain for this course is multi-robot systems.

At the end of the course, the student will

  • Understand the concept of an agent and the underlying decision-making process that enables the agent to pursue its desired goals in uncertain and dynamic environments
  • Understand how to model a multi-agent system for cooperative and non-cooperative (competitive) situations, the theoretical framework for such systems, and the outcomes possible from such systems
  • Have the ability to
    • program a multi-agent system
    • design a cooperative and non-cooperative (competitive) environment
    • design the interaction and information sharing mechanism between agents
    • implement different types of solution techniques - game theoretical strategies, auctions, negotiation strategies and swarm intelligence
    • analyze computational complexity of the solution concepts

Course Offering