Film Making and Radio Podcasting


You cannot be a good film maker if you don't know how to edit audio sound track and video film footage. One of the worlds greatest film maker Eisenstein stated: "Cinematography is, first and foremost, montage." Eisenstein believed that film montage could create ideas or have an impact beyond the individual images. Two or more images edited together create a "tertium quid" (third thing) that makes the whole greater than the sum of its individual parts. Similarly Alfred Hitchcock said "For me, cinema is essentially emotion. It is pieces of film joined together that create an idea, which in turn creates an emotion in the mind of the audience. Not through spoken words, but through the visuals. It's a visual medium. And montage is the main thing. All movie making is pure montage." It is believed by some that good films are made more on the editing table. This course will not only give you the basic technical skills but will also hand hold you into making a aesthetically correct decisions in assembling a film.

  • Understand Audio File Formats and Codecs
  • Arrange Sound Tracks, Edit Vocals and Create Podcast
  • Understand Film Shooting and Editing Concepts
  • Sequence or Edit Video shots in a scene
  • Shoot, capture and output short video projects

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