Foundations of Finance


Finance is, in a real sense, the corner stone of the enterprise system - good financial management is vitally important to the economic health of all firms and hence to the nation and the world. Because of its importance, finance should be widely and thoroughly understood. The field is complex and it undergoes constant change due to shift in economic conditions. All of this makes finance stimulating and exciting, but challenging and sometimes perplexing. This course aims at creating a better understanding of the financial system.

  1. Understand the ideas behind the time value of money and be able to calculate the value of cash flows relating to a number of financial instruments
  2. Create and interpret financial and cash flow statements
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in valuation techniques, both DCF (discounted cash flow) and non-DCF
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in valuation techniques, both DCF (discounted cash flow) and non-DCF

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