Student Stories

Akhil Anand

Choosing IIIT-Delhi was one of the best decisions of my life. IIIT-Delhi has played a key role in transforming me to become the best version of myself.

Setu Gupta

I had a good time at IIITD. I really liked the depth and the rigor of subjects which IIITD offers.

Mohd Hamza Naim Shaikh

My time at IIIT-Delhi was truly remarkable. IIIT-Delhi offered a nurturing academic environment, outstanding faculty, and a vibrant student community. I'm profoundly grateful for the knowledge and skills I acquired there, which shaped my academic journey and equipped me for life beyond. My heartfelt thanks to the IIIT-Delhi community for providing me with such a wonderful experience.

Risabh Sinha

My college experience was fantastic because of the incredibly supportive faculty and my fellow students. The teachers were always there to help and made learning easy. They cared about our success. But what made it even better were my classmates. They were like a big supportive team. We helped each other out, shared notes, and studied together. Having such caring teachers and peers made my college journey truly memorable.

Utkrisht Sikka

"You will never have more energy or enthusiasm, hair, or brain cells than you had in college life." --- modified quote of Tom & Ray Magliozzi. I was enrolled in IIITD's B.Tech program. The institute offered a plethora of courses for students to choose from. The most notable fields were computer science, maths, psychology, sociology, economics, electronics and biology. Selection of courses was the toughest time of the semester as every course was intriguing in one way or another. We could even take independent studies, or projects in place of courses. I took this opportunity to take a B.Tech project that spanned 3 semesters. I found all the professors who taught me, extremely knowledgeable of their subjects and proficient in delivering course content. I will remain indebted to some of them for their valuable feedback and guidance throughout my time in the college. I am elated that I made cherishing memories with my friends, be it submitting group projects, uniting for a deadline extension, collaborating in club activities, chatting in the canteen, playing sports or swaying ourselves to the music of Odyssey's concert. In my last two years of college, I was a TA in a few courses and volunteered in mentorship programs. This let me spend one-on-one time with juniors and assist them in their learning. If I were asked what is that one thing that I would want to change in my college life, I would wish that I had more time to try everything. Thank you everyone in IIITD for making my experience commendable!

Anand Singh

My Ph.D. journey was full of unexpected events. It had many ups and downs. Apart from research and technical skills, it has taught me valuable lessons that would help me in life. It has taught me how to handle unexpected situations and multiple tasks while maintaining a balance between professional and personal life. The journey would not have been possible without the support of many people. I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those who made this Ph.D. thesis possible.

Antra Saxena

IIIT-Delhi, a institute that gives me the title of Doctor. Wonderful memories including lots of ups and downs. Traveled to a lot of places, had new experiences and learned many new things. The time being at IIIT-Delhi not only taught research and study, but carved the life way better to face the struggle and harsh situations in future. Thanks to such a marvelous experience.

Harshita Srinivas

The four years I spent at IIIT-Delhi were profoundly transformative. From exploring various areas of computer science to interacting with the fantastic faculty and students, the whole journey has been a great learning experience. Along the way, I learned to manage my time better, make sound decisions and most importantly, not shy away from challenges. The highly competitive environment at IIIT-Delhi instilled in me the value of perseverance and motivated me to push my limits to become a better person. Academically, I gained a deep understanding of computer science, undertook numerous research projects and learnt from a wide array of courses. Further, my involvement in extracurricular activities, both as a participant and organizer, allowed me to interact with my peers, gain interpersonal skills and learn about diverse causes and concepts. Due to the skills I gained, I was able to secure some wonderful internships and scholarships. Moreover, I met exemplary professors who provided me with unwavering support along the way and introduced me to interesting research prospects. I made friends for a lifetime, who stood with me through thick and thin, motivated me and helped me learn from them. Reflecting on my first day of college, when I arrived only with hopes of what I plan to be in the future, I can surely say that I have surpassed all my hopes. As I depart, I do so as a more confident and accomplished individual.

Aditi Sejal

The past four years at IIITD taught me a lot about computer science, about mathematics, about myself and about life. Under the exceptional guidance of inspiring professors, I accomplished some of the most challenging tasks I never thought I could undertake; from course assignments to research projects, I learnt something everyday. The vibrant student life including college clubs that create impact, empowering teaching assistantships and a memorable hostel life made me more confident and independent. They instilled in me discipline, curiosity and the ability to multi-task that helped me grow and make the most of every opportunity. And amidst all the deadlines, workload and hustle and bustle of college life, I found amazing people and built bonds that will last a lifetime. I am profoundly grateful for all IIITD has done for me.

Harika G L

IIITD provided me with a remarkable faculty and supportive peers, making it an excellent environment for learning and acquiring a diverse set of skills. I am deeply grateful to my thesis advisor, Dr. K Sriram, for his guidance throughout the journey, preparing me for the world of research.

Sidhartha Sankar Rout

My journey to this moment in IIIT-Delhi has been long, but every step was worth it. I am proud of myself for never giving up and for pushing through the toughest of times. Looking back, I remember the countless sleepless nights, the endless research, and the constant self-doubt. But I also remember the support of my family, friends, and mentors who never stopped believing in me. The constant support of my PhD supervisor Prof. Sujay Deb, and the encouraging research environment of ECE Department and IIIT-Delhi made this journey full of learning and enthusiasm. As I receive my PhD, I am reminded of the responsibility that comes with this achievement. I am determined to use my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Rahul Sethi

4 years at IIIT-Delhi!!! On one hand, it feels like an extensive stretch of time, while on the other, it seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye. From the first to the last day of college, I've had many experiences that have changed me in various ways and moulded me into my current version. The first semester felt nerve-wracking as I stepped into a new world. I had challenges in getting to know new people and making friends. Everything seemed to be going well until the arrival of Covid-19, which confined me to my home, leaving me with just a few cherished friends. They were my lifelines during those tough times, and we supported each other. This was the most precious gift IIITD gave me. In my final 2 years , when I returned to the hostel, the most enjoyable phase of my life began. I embarked on various trips with my friends, creating unforgettable memories. Additionally, I had the opportunity to interact with several faculty members who provided valuable guidance, steering me in the right direction. IIIT-Delhi is a lively place. Every day, I see so many people doing various activities and doing them well. It keeps me motivated to work hard too. I want to express my thanks to the institute and everyone who makes it what it is. They've played a big part in my achievements. Thank you IIITD for 4 unforgettable years of transformation and enlightenment.


Our college journey was characterized by a strong focus on innovative research, with ample opportunities to engage in novel projects beyond textbooks. This hands-on approach deepened our understanding and sparked a passion for learning. The campus, with its top-notch facilities and beautiful surroundings, served as a constant source of inspiration, creating a positive atmosphere that motivated us to strive for excellence in our academic endeavors.

Vaibhav Soni

From the moment I stepped onto the vibrant campus, I knew I was embarking on a journey that would shape my life in profound ways. I had a wonderful time during my stay at the college . While the academic rigor was demanding, to say the least, and late-night assignments and coding sessions were the norm, they were a crucible that taught me not only to manage time but also to emerge stronger. What truly set the college apart was its unique blend of freedom and top-notch facilities. Nights at the hostel had a flavor of their own, with Maggi and parathas becoming staples for midnight cravings and bonding sessions. These moments of camaraderie, shared over late-night snacks, are some of the fondest memories I hold dear. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone at IIITD for shaping it into what it is and for guiding me throughout my journey. I am proud to call it my alma mater.

Tanya Gupta

My four years at IIIT-Delhi have been an exhilarating journey, marked by continuous learning, personal growth, and unforgettable moments. Reflecting on this chapter of my life, it's evident that the most memorable part was the amazing coursework I got to do here. Thanks to the diverse set of computer science electives offered, I ended up exploring almost all domains, be it cybersecurity, systems programming, theoretical computer science, parallel computing or artificial intelligence. The professors here are truly at the top of their game, and their passion for their fields is infectious! The hands-on nature of our coursework ensured that we delved into all kinds of coding tasks ranging from writing system calls for the Linux kernel to fine-tuning transformers, thereby making adapting to any new tech stack second nature. In addition to the enriching CS courses, the well-structured economics minor program taught me so much about the workings of financial markets and institutions, the role of fiscal and monetary policies, the complexities of consumer and producer behaviour, the dynamics of corporate finance and the principles of game theory. While the majority of my learning came from coursework and research projects, it would have been incomplete without the incredible people I met here. Interacting with peers who came from different walks of life and understanding their unique perspectives shattered the tunnel vision I had held since childhood. It transformed me into a better individual, more open-minded and empathetic. Undoubtedly, the degree presented its fair share of challenges, but overcoming them has instilled in me a profound sense of confidence. Now, I feel more prepared than ever to embrace the challenges that await me in the rest of my life.

Khushi Agarwal

I came to IIIT-Delhi as a girl full of dreams, driven by a passion to excel in everything I did. My goal was to prove myself to me and find my rightful place in this world. Little did I know that I would discover more than I had ever imagined: excellent education, invaluable mentors, cherished friendships, transformative experiences, and skills that will accompany me throughout my lifetime. Those countless nights of hard work, hours of group discussions, numerous assignments, and enriching collaborations were all instrumental in preparing me for the journey ahead and shaping me into the person I am today. Over these four years, I had the privilege of being part of remarkable initiatives like Enactus and Odyssey, which allowed me to connect with some of the most amazing individuals. I have grown tremendously, both as an individual and as a professional. I am deeply thankful to everyone who has been part of my journey here. IIIT-Delhi has not only honored me with a silver medal but also paved the way for a golden future.

Pritish Wadhwa

Expressing my experience at IIITD in words doesn't quite capture the amazing time I've had here. College has been a transformative journey for me. From the very first day, the campus has been a warm and inspiring place, with wide green spaces that helped me find inner peace and stay focused on my goals. During my college years, I've had the chance to be part of various clubs and groups, which opened up many opportunities and led to lifelong friendships. IIITD gave me countless chances to explore my interests both in academics and extracurricular activities. These experiences not only helped me grow as a person but also gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams and accomplish great things. Looking back at my time in college, I'm incredibly grateful for all the memories and experiences that shaped me into who I am today. I met some wonderful people during these four years who made everything seem easier. I'll always hold these memories dear and will forever appreciate my friends, professors, and the staff at IIITD for being there at every step, making this journey truly memorable.

Ananya Jain

It has been a roller coaster ride. I found myself again here. From a self concious and shy teenager I morphed into a self aware adult. The journey was worth all the effort :))

Abhimanyu Gupta

In 2019, I embarked on my college journey, choosing IIIT-Delhi and the CSAM program for their practical-based Computer Science curriculum. Despite initial apprehension of the fact that I was in one of the most rigorous academic institute, I believed it was worth the challenge. My freshman year was a whirlwind of new experiences. It was a time of self-discovery, realising that personal growth would be an integral part of my college life. Then throughout courses like IP, DSA, and AP my passion for programming kept nurturing. There were also courses like ML and DL which seemed unpierceable for most part, but once done imbibed newfound confidence that I could conquer any academic challenge. Outside the classrooms, there were friends, hostel life, the beloved BCR hangouts, and a lush campus filled with joy that together formed the vibrant backdrop of my unforgettable journey. At end of 4 transformative years at IIIT-Delhi, I feel determined and enthusiastic to embrace the next chapter of my life. The challenges, the highs, and the lows have shaped me into the person I am today.

Rishita Chauhan

College has not just been about degree.. It has been about the experiences and memories I have made which truly reflects on what I am today and will definitely influence on who I'll be tomorrow. You meet many faces but there are only few who'll actually be there with you through out life. I have got mine.. I hope you find yours soon.. ;)

Ritik Vatsal

Graduating from IIIT-Delhi is more than just receiving a degree; it is a journey of growth, discovery, and unforgettable moments. The advanced infrastructure, coupled with dedicated professors, made learning an enriching experience. From late-night study sessions in the hostels to lively discussions with the professors, every moment was a step toward personal and academic development. I am grateful for the invaluable guidance from the faculty, the constant support from the administrative department, and for my friends, with whom there was never a dull moment. As I toss my cap into the air, I know that IIIT-Delhi has prepared me not only for my career but for life itself.

Saarthak Tehlan

My story at IIITD, full of ups and full of downs. Here I met some great people, and I met some clowns. Working day and night, trying to get everything just right. Hundreds of deadlines, avoiding plagiarism like landmines. Covid came but only for a bit, online semesters from campus were surely a hit. Eventually I'd say the grind paid off well. I may have caused some trouble here and there, but at least I have a story to tell!

Vishrut Arora

The journey has been full of ups and downs but will always be a memorable one. I was glad for all the beautiful college days I had, For here l learnt a lot & what not! I will definitely , Miss these lovely days to the count infinitely. College life ends here, but life begins here, With all the life lessons I learnt here I will walk forward in life and cheers! With passion saying life is a torque; Here what you give is what you got, When you are sure, go for the bet; Just like the saying, 'life is a big circle People win and lose in this huge circle Being made of almost the same particle. Recalling the old days in this article.

Bhavesh Sood

At IIITD, I embarked on a wild journey that involved seeing more sunrises than ever. But hey, it wasn't all because of assignments but a lot of them because of the incredible friends that I found. From taking extra ML courses to playing in Astra, my time here has been a whirlwind of academic challenges and unforgettable experiences. I'm taking with me a treasure trove of memories and a spirit of adventure that I'll carry into the next chapter of my life.

Manas Gupta

IIITD has been the place where I've grown both personally and intellectually. I have made a ton of core memories in the induction, fests and hostel along with my friends. My peers here have always inspired me to be a better version of myself. The friendships I've made with other students and the guidance from my seniors and professors have been really important to me. So as I step into the next exciting chapter, I'll carry the IIITD spirit with me

Varun Khurana

My B.Tech journey at IIIT-Delhi was an incredible odyssey filled with personal, professional and academic growth. Coming from a non-CS background, I initially felt daunted by the prospect of immersing myself in the world of coding. However, I approached each challenge head-on with unwavering determination. Academically, I was exposed to multiple computer science disciplines. The rigorous coursework pushed my boundaries and honed my analytical skills. However, it was my growing interest in Machine Learning that actually ignited my passion for research. Working on exciting projects became my playground for innovation. I was fortunate to have found amazing professors who gave me the opportunity to work on intriguing problems. I ended up publishing multiple papers at top conferences during my B.Tech tenure. Internships were pivotal, serving as the bridge between academia and the corporate world.

These experiences were truly transformative. Collaborating with tech giants, I gained priceless real-world insights, fine-tuned my technical skills and learned the significance of adaptability and teamwork, all of which were prepared me for my future endavours. On a personal note, my B.Tech years were filled with countless moments of fun with my friends that gave me memories that I shall cherish forever. Moreover, the invaluable guidance from seniors helped me navigate various challenges that came along the way. Overall, my B.Tech journey was a roller-coaster ride of growth, learning and self-discovery. I am profoundly grateful to IIIT-Delhi which provided countless opportunities and equipped me with the knowledge and skills to forge my own path and step into the tech world with confidence and enthusiasm.
