Guidelines for Virtual Poster Presentation


Due to the virtual nature of the conclave, we are only accepting Electronic Posters (E-Posters) in PDF format. Printed posters or photographs of printed posters will NOT be accepted.

Poster Submission Deadline: 25th November 1st December 2021

The poster should be a clear visual presentation on the topic of climate change and sustainable future and should meet the following criteria:

Title of the Poster

  • It is recommended to keep the title of the poster self-explanatory.

Poster size and format

  • The poster must be submitted in PDF format.
  • It is recommended to make your poster in PowerPoint (Landscape or Portrait) and then save it as a PDF before uploading it to the DDC website.
  • Make sure that you do not exceed the limit of 1 slide/page for your E-Poster.

Your Information

  • The top of the Poster should display, in the lettering of Bold (Times New Roman), the following information: Title of your paper, Name(s) of the Author(s) and Affiliation(s).


  • Kindly use both UPPER and lower case letters for general content, as all-capital text is difficult to read.
  • It is recommended to use Times New Roman font style for the content of the poster.
  • Make sure there is enough contrast between the colour of the text and the poster’s background.
  • Text and presentation should be in ENGLISH only.

Content of the Poster

  • Ensure that the specific sections (such as the background, methods, results, and conclusions) are easy to locate in the poster.
  • Try to keep the text easy to read and concise. The poster should have a clear message, a logical layout and be easy to comprehend.
  • Avoid the use of complete sentences and instead, use short text in bullet point format.
  • Avoid using watermarks that may detract from the readability of your poster.


  • Illustrations are the most critical part of the poster and will attract the most attention.
  • Colourful charts and graphs are the easiest to read. Explanatory illustrations should be used instead of text whenever possible.
  • Use only static images, and do not embed any videos or animation in your poster.
  • Try to utilise the space on your poster as creatively as possible to attract the audience and make sure that the images are easy to understand.


  • Please open the button below
  • Save your PPT as PDF
  • Name the file appropriately
  • Upload the PDF to the form
  • Fill on all the necessary information before 25th November 2021.

Contact Us: 011-26907 512, 463, 359
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