IIIT-Delhi is organizing an international workshop on "Vehicular Communication for Enhanced Road Safety" in association with "University of Surrey" and "IEEE Communication Society - Delhi Chapter" as technical partners. The workshop is scheduled on July 27th, 2019 on its campus. The event is sponsored by The SPARC project, Ministry of HRD, Govt of India. The aim of this workshop is to bring together international experts in vehicular communication and allied areas to explore and present technical talks on the state-of-the-art in the development of inter-vehicular communication systems for different areas of applications. Topics of interest will include but are not restricted to
We have national and international speakers from prestigious institutes and industries from around the world. The workshop is open to all interested faculty, students (PhD, Masters and Bachelors) and industrial professionals.
Marie-Curie Research Fellow, University College Cork, Ireland
C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram
Group Leader at CDOT
C-DAC, Hyderabad
Device to Device CommunicationIn this demo, we have designed and developed a test-bed to evaluate the real-world performance of the underlay D2D communication framework. We demonstrate the impact of interference caused by the cellular user on the D2D receiver’s performance at different cellular angles and position with respect to the base station (BS). The demonstration has been performed on National Instruments Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) RIO platform with LTE application framework module of LabVIEW communication system design suite as a supportive Application programming interface (API). |
A smart transmitter to user-centric Visible Light CommunicationThis project focuses on improving the vehicle-infrastructure communication by enabling the transmitter to change their position(1D,2D, around the axis) so that the Signal to Noise The ratio is always high. The aim is not to full the illumination requirements of the area, rather it is meant to serve for communication purposes for a user in an open area, rooms where other light sources are already there for illumination. We focus on making the system efficient by reducing the number of LEDs and simple hardware to get high data rate, independent of the location of the user. |
The registration fee details are given below. Fees can be paid through the IIITD Payment Portal. Please make the fee payment first and fill the form below.
Limited accommodation is available for the participants on first come first serve basis. For any queries, please email Rahul Gupta (rahul@iiitd.ac.in)
The registration fees include participation kit, course material, lunch, and refreshments. A certificate of participation will also be provided.
Note : Last date of Registration is 15th July 22nd July 2019.
Rahul Gupta (rahul@iiitd.ac.in)
Khagendra Joshi (khagendra@iiitd.ac.in)
Sana Ali Naqvi (sana@iiitd.ac.in)
Abhishek Kumar (abhishek@iiitd.ac.in)