Sanat K Biswas
Contact Details
Sanat holds PhD (2017) in space vehicle navigation from the University of New South Wales, M. Tech (2012) in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Bombay and B.E. (2010) in Instrumentation and Electronics Engineering from Jadavpur University. Sanat's research interests include space vehicle guidance, navigation and control, orbit determination, GNSS-based navigation, non-linear dynamics and estimation algorithms. Sanat was associated with the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research, where he did his PhD research. He also participated in the development of a nano satellite, UNSW-EC0 which was recently launched into a Low Earth Orbit. He received 2014 Emerging Space Leaders' Grant from the International Astronautical Federation for his research contribution in space engineering.
Research Interests
Space vehicle guidance
Navigation and control
Orbit determination
GNSS-based navigation, non-linear dynamics and estimation algorithms
Teaching Interests
Circuits and Signals
Digital Signal Processing
Linear Control System and State Space Methods
Optimal Control and Estimation
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)