M.Tech. (ECE) with specialization in Communication

For "M.Tech. in ECE with specialization in Communication," the student must:

  1. Complete the following core courses of the specialization area.
    (i) Wireless Networks (CSE538/ECE538)
    (ii) Advanced Digital Communications (ECE347/ECE547)
    (iii) Machine Learning (ECE363/ECE563/CSE343)
  2. If opted for Thesis/Scholarly paper, it should be in the specialization domain (thesis can be at industry collaborator location). The advisor will certify that the agreement with his/her partner firm where students could undertake industrial thesis will be coordinated by them and institute academic norms are duly satisfied. Also, it should be ensured by the adviser that the thesis is in the specialization domain.
  3. At least 20 or 24 credits should be from specialization electives in addition to the core courses, if opted for “M.Tech. with scholarly paper /capstone project option (of 8 credits/4 credits respectively)”
  4. At least 28 credits should be from specialization electives in addition to the core courses, if opted for “M.Tech. without thesis and scholarly paper option” (An illustration to complete 48 credits is given below with various graduating option.)

(An illustration to complete 48 credits is given below with various graduating option.)

Graduating Option
CoreSpecialization ElectiveThesis/SPIP/ISTotal
In Credits
M.Tech. with thesis121216848
M.Tech. with Scholarly Paper / capstone project (8 cr.)12208848
M.Tech. with Scholarly Paper / capstone project (4 cr.)12244848
M.Tech. without thesis and scholarly paper option12280848

Research Areas

» Wireless Communications
» Optical Communications
» Wireless Networks
» Reinforcement Learning
» Automatic Control
» Satellite Navigation and Control
» Nonlinear Dynamics
» Real-time Control
» Nonlinear Control Theory


Dr. Abhijit Mitra
Dr. Anand Srivastava
Dr. Arani Bhattacharya
Dr. Debidas Kundu
Dr. Mukulika Maity
Dr. Rinku Shah
Dr. Sambuddho Chakravarty
Dr. Sanat K Biswas
Dr. Sanjit K Kaul
Dr. Sayan Basu Roy
Dr. Shamik Sarkar
Dr. Vivek A Bohara

Last updated: 16-03-2025