Dr. Ranjan Bose
I am very pleased to invite companies to visit our Institute for considering our graduating B.Tech. and M.Tech. students for recruitment. In 10 years, IIIT-Delhi has established itself as one of the leading engineering institutes, with top-class faculty with PhDs from across the world. Our students are exposed to challenging research-based education along with a variety of cultural, sport and organizational activities on our vibrant campus. The presence of state-of-the-art research facilities, close industry-collaborations, international linkages, interdisciplinary programs and industrial training opportunities contribute to our students’ well-rounded growth.
Our computer science UG students obtain excellent technical training which includes, besides core areas like data structures, operating systems, networking, databases, software engineering, etc. courses on advanced topics like data mining, mobile computing, information security, image processing, etc. as electives. Our ECE UG students are encouraged to take elective courses during the last two years of study which allows them to go deeper in either of the following areas - VLSI, communication engineering, signal processing, or the controls and embedded system stream. The design program at IIIT-Delhi is a good mixture of design and computing. The graduates of the program go through a rigorous curriculum of design courses like design processes and perspectives, exposure to HCI, research methods in design along with the core computing courses. The graduates possess the much-needed design skills to excel in the field of IT and allied areas. The CSAM program trains students in both mathematics, and computer science with exposure to abstract algebra, analysis, numerical methods, ODEs/PDEs, optimization, probability and statistics, as well as, core computer science courses. The B.Tech. program in Computer Sciences and Biosciences exposes our students to a wide range of topics from the foundations, capabilities and limits of computing to the application of mathematical modeling techniques to biological problems. B.Tech in Computer Science and Social Sciences trains our students to take up real-world problems at the intersection of IT and society.
M.Tech. (CSE) students graduate with a degree in general CSE, in Artificial Intelligence, in Data Engineering, in Information Security or in Mobile Computing. M.Tech (ECE) students graduate with a degree in ECE (general), or with a specialization in VLSI and Embedded Systems (VLSI), or specialization in Communication and Signal Processing (CSP). We also have a strong M.Tech. program in Computational Biology.
In many of our courses students carry out group projects, which help them develop abilities to work in a team. In addition, they go through a stream of courses on ‘communication’ including basic communication skills and technical communication. Overall, IIIT-Delhi graduates have solid technical skills, good communication skills, and exposure to problem solving and team work.
We value our partnership with recruiters highly, and remain committed to making your recruiting experience productive and positive. The students graduating from this institute are motivated, bright, and very eager to perform after they graduate. I invite the recruiting organizations and graduating students to find the best match between their needs and capabilities.

Ms. Rashmil Mishra
Head, Corporate RelationsPlacements and IOP
It gives us immense pleasure to extend to you a cordial invitation to participate in the Campus Placement Process at IIIT-Delhi to experience and evaluate the dexterity, competencies, skills and talents of our budding engineers and absorb them into your esteemed organizations.
It is my sincere belief that your esteemed organization and IIIT-Delhi stand to gain immensely from this symbiotic relationship.
Our students have the necessary skills to become a successful & valued member of any organization It would be our proud privilege to host you, and we would be most delighted to be involved in such a partnership.
Looking forward to a mutually rewarding & fruitful association.

Last updated: 25-09-2024