Internships Details @IIITD

Details Regarding Summer Internships 2025

We are looking for some students/researchers to work with, who can help us with the projects and problems we are currently working on. If you think you are passionate about the kind of work we do and keen on contributing, please have a look at the requirements/positions in the table below. If you find a project of your interest, please apply here (5th March 2025) for the project you are interested in. Depending on your skills and expertise, you will be compensated for the time that you are spending on the project. Please do not apply for more than three projects. The last date to apply is 31st March 2025.

The students who get selected for the summer internship at IIIT-Delhi will be receiving a stipend of 5k per month. .

Hostel details

  • You have to apply for hostel at the time of applying for internship as mentioned above.
  • To take the possession you are required to submit the copy of proof of payment receipt to Boys / Girls Hostel Caretaker on arrival or by mail.
  • The Hostel will be allotted from 07 May 2025 to 07 July 2025.
  • The students applying for hostel should deposit the hostel fees by May 10th 2025.

Type of Room & Payment Structure

The double room will be given only if the room is fully occupied otherwise the student will be allotted a single room.

Single Room/ Double Room: 5,000/- per month (for May, June, July 2025)

Mess Charges per day basis: Rs. 130/-

Breakfast: Rs. 35/day
Lunch: Rs. 50/day
Dinner: Rs. 45/day

Note: The vendor needs to be paid directly for every meal.

For availing the hostel facilities

1. All the students who wanted to join the hostel are requested to send an email to @Admin Boys Hostel (admin-bh@iiitd.ac.in) and @Admin Girls Hostel (admin-gh@iiitd.ac.in)

2. The covid care committee will send you some guidelines, which you need to follow. As per our latest guidelines, If you come with a negative corona report (RT PCR) of the last 48 hours prior to coming to the hostel you can get the hostel room directly (the isolation period can be waived off)
or else you will be kept in isolation for 7 days (no extra charges will be taken except for meal)

Payment Process
  • Internet Banking: You may pay the fee online Click Here
  • Through Demand Draft (DD): You may get a Demand Draft in favour of “IIIT Delhi Collections” and deposit the DD in person in Room No. A-101, Accounts Section, First Floor, A-Wing of the Academic building.

Contact Person on Arrival

Ravi Bhasin
Manager (Student Affairs)
011- 26907504

Sanjay Roy
PCEO (Facility and Security)

Last updated: 27-02-2025