Jan 2025 - Dec 2025
- Sejal Khurana, Suhani Mathur, Paro Mishra
" Old Wine in a New Bottle: Indian Momfluencers Performing New Momism on Instagram " Social Media and Society in India-2025 (Accepted) - Dishant Goyal, Ashwin Jacob, Kaushtubh Kumar, Diptapriyo Majumdar, Venkatesh Raman
" Parameterized Complexity of Dominating Set Variants in almost Cluster and Split Graphs " in Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS). (Published)
Jan 2024 - Dec 2024
- Dipayan Chakraborty, Florent Foucaud, Diptapriyo Majumdar, Prafullkumar Tale
"Tight (Double) Exponential Bounds for Identification Problems: Locating-Dominating Set and Test Cover" in ISAAC-2024. (Published) - Ashwin Jacob, Diptapriyo Majumdar, Meirav Zehavi
"A Polynomial Kernel for Deletion to the Scattered Class of Cliques and Trees" in ISAAC-2024. (Published) - Prof. Pushpendra Singh, Prof. Anubha Gupta, and Prof. Shiv Dutt Joshi
"On the hypercomplex numbers and normed division algebras in all dimensions: A unified multiplication" in the prestigious PLOS ONE Journal. (Published) - Khagendra Joshi, Sana Naqvi, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Ishaan Sharma
"Performance Characterization of an IRS-assisted OFDM System with HPA Memory Effects and IRS Phase Noise" at IEEE ANTS 2024 . (Accepted) - Devender Takhar, Ankit Chahar, Deepanshu Sharma, Dr. Ram Krishna Ghosh, and Dr. Balaji Birajdar
"Visible light active 0.95KNbO3-0.05Ba(Nb1/2Sc1/2)O3 ferroelectric for enhanced photocatalytic activity" in Wiley Advanced Sustainable Systems. (Published) - Dr. Manjesh Kumar Hanawal and Dr. Sumit J Darak
"Exploiting Side Information for Improved Online Learning Algorithms in Wireless Networks" in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC). (Accepted) - Priyanka Singh, Haythem B Salameh, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Prof. Anand Srivastava, and Dr. Moussa Ayyash
"On Mitigating Reactive Jamming with Dynamic Resource Allocation in Optical IRS and UAV-assisted FSO-based Networks" in Physical Communication, Elsevier. (Accepted) - Amina Haroon, Dr. Ram Krishna Ghosh, Dr. Sneh Saurabh
"Impact of Non-Idealities on the Behavior of Probabilistic Computing: Theoretical Investigation and Analysis" in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. (Published) - Akshita Gupta, Saurabh Jaiswal, Martin Maier, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Prof. Anand Srivastava
"Digital-Twin Enabled Time Ahead Resource Allocation for Integrated Fiber-Wireless Connected Vehicular Network" in IEEE Journal of Communications and Information Networks, Sept 2024. (Accepted) - Saswati Paramita, Dr. Arani Bhattacharya, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Rizwana Ahmad, Prof. Anand Srivastava
"Flow-based Rate Maximization for Link Aggregation Enabled Hybrid LiFi-WiFi Network" in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (Accepted) - Dr. Gurinder Singh, Prof. Anand Srivastava, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, M.N. Rahim, Dr. Zilong Liu and Dirk P.
"Towards 6G-V2X: Aggregated RF-VLC for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Autonomous Driving" in IEEE Communication Standards Magazine, Sep, 2024. Ac. (Published) - Hanshita Prabhakar, Saumya Chaturvedi Chaturvedi, Akshita Gupta, and Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Performance Analysis of THz and VLC Systems Under the Impact of Weather and Human Blockages" in IEEE TENCON, December 1-4, 2024, in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. (Accepted) - Akshita Gupta, Anant Agarwal, and Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Adaptive Traffic Signal Cycle Control for Green City Traffic Management" in IEEE TENCON, December 1-4, 2024, in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. (Accepted) - Akshita Gupta, Prof. Anand Srivastava, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Prof. Martin Maier
"Driving Mode Advisory for Emergency Manueuering in TransVerse Enabled Connected Vehicular Network" in the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, September, 2024. (Accepted) - Jason Crampton, Eduard Eiben, Gregory Gutin, Daniel Karapetyan, Diptapriyo Majumdar
"Bi-Objective Optimization in Role Mining" in ACM-Transactions on Privacy and Security (ACM-TOPS). (Published) - Susobhan Bandopadhyay, Aritra Banik, Diptapriyo Majumdar, Abhishek Sahu
"Tractability of Packing Vertex-Disjoint A-Paths under Length Constraints" in MFCS 2024. (Published) - Ankush Acharyya, Vahideh Keikha, Diptapriyo Majumdar, Supantha Pandit
"Constrained Hitting Set Problem with Intervals: Hardness, FPT, and Approximation Algorithms" in Theoretical Computer Science. (Published) - Priyanka Singh, Prof. Haythem A Bany Salameh, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Prof. Anand Srivastava, and Prof. Moussa Ayyash
"Jamming-Resilient Mirror Element Allocation Scheme for OIRS-aided UAV-based FSO Networks" in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. (Accepted) - Aakanksha Tewari, Shragvi Sidharth Jha, Akanksha Sneh, Dr. Sumit J Darak, Dr. Shobha Ram
"Reconfigurable Radar Signal Processing Accelerator for Integrated Sensing and Communication System" in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (IEEE TAES). (Accepted) - Sayak Bhattacharya and Sajeev John
"Light-trapping by wave interference in intermediate-thickness silicon solar cells" in the Optics Express Journal. (Accepted) - Mohamed Emara, Debidas Kundu, Keigan Macdonell, Leandro Rufail and Shulabh Gupta
"Reconfigurable Metasurface Reflectors Using Split-Ring Resonators with Co-Designed Biasing for Magnitude/Phase Control" in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. (Accepted) - Ashwini B, Deeptanshu, Sheffali Gulati, and Jainendra Shukla
"Artificial Intelligence Driven Predictive Analysis of Acoustic and Linguistic Behaviours for ASD Identification" in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. (Accepted) - Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Debidas Kundu, Khagendra Joshi
"Enhancing Wireless Connectivity in Skip Zones via Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface" at ACM Compass 2024. (Presented) - Devender Takhar, Dr. Balaji Birajdar and Dr. Ram Krishna Ghosh
"Dual Functionality of BiN Monolayer: Unraveling its Photocatalytic and Piezocatalytic Water Splitting Properties" in RSC Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (Published) - Maitree Leekha, Shahid Khan, Harshita Srinivas, Dr. Rajiv Ratn SHAH, and Jainendra Shukla
"VyaktitvaNirdharan: Multimodal Assessment of Personality and Trait Emotional Intelligence" in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. (Accepted)
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
- Akshita Gupta, Drishti Diwani, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"QoS Aware Task Offloading for Digital-Twin Enabled Connected Vehicular Network" for presentation at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 21 - 24 2024 in Dubai, UAE. (Accepted) The book titled "Navigation and Tracking in Space: Analysis and Algorithms", authored by Dr. Sanat K Biswas and Andrew Dempster will be soon published by Artech House UK Paper titled "Resource Allocation for Sum-Rate Maximization in Multi-UAV SCMA Networks" by Saumya Chaturvedi, Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Zilong Liu, Dr. Anand Srivastava and Dr. Pei Xiao has been accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshop, 2023 Paper titled "Performance Analysis of Cache-Enabled Handover Management for Vehicular Networks" by Neetu R.R, Dr. Gourab Ghatak, Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Anand Srivastava is published in IEEE Transactions of Network Science and Engineering (IEEE TNSE) The Hindu highlighted the pioneering computational gastronomy research from Prof. Ganesh Bagler's lab in IIIT-Delhi in an article titled, 'How AI Can Transform Your Food.' Paper titled "Cache Enabled UAV HetNets: Access - xHaul Coverage Analysis and Optimal Resource Partitioning" by Neetu R.R, Dr. Gourab Ghatak, Dr. Anand Srivastava, Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara is accepted in IEEE Transactions of Cognitive Communications and Networking (IEEE-TCCN) Paper titled "Low Complexity High Speed Deep Neural Network Augmented Wireless Channel Estimation" by Syed Asrar ul haq (PhD IIITD), Varun Singh (MTech IIITD), Bhanu Teja Tanaji (MTech IIITD) and Dr. Sumit Darak (Faculty IIITD) is accepted in 37th International Conference on VLSI Design & the 23rd International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID 2024). Paper titled "On Maximizing the Channel Gain for an IRS-aided Indoor VLC System with Blockages" by Pooja Kumari (B.Tech, IIIT Delhi); Md Zaid (B.Tech, IIIT Delhi); Dr. Anand Singh (Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore); Prof. Vivek A Bohara (IIIT-Delhi); Prof. Anand Srivastava (IIIT Delhi) is accepted for presentation at IEEE ANTS 2023. Paper titled "A Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of Hybrid Li-Fi/Wi-Fi Network on a Prototype Testbed," by Saswati Paramita, Prof. Anand Srivastava, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Abhijit Mitra, Hari Ramamoorthy M, H.K. Atluri, Dr. A. Paventhan is accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) 2023, India. Paper titled "Improving Retention Time of 1T DRAM using Electrostatic Barrier: Proposal and Analysis" by Shivendra Singh, Ekta Tiwari, Abhinav Gupta and Dr. Sneh Saurabh is accepted in VLSID 2024. Paper titled "Artificial Neural Network-based Prediction and Alleviation of Congestion during Placement" by Pooja Beniwal, Dr. Sneh Saurabh is accepted in VLSID 2024. Paper titled "IEEE 802.11ad Based Joint Radar Communication Transceiver: Design, Prototype and Performance Analysis" by Akanksha Sneh (PhD IIITD), Soumya Jain (MTech IIITD), V Sri Sindhu (MTech IIITD), Dr. Shobha Sundar Ram (Faculty IIITD) & Dr. Sumit J Darak (Faculty IIITD) is accepted in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Paper titled "Coupled Resonator-Based Metasurface Reflector with Enhanced Magnitude and Phase Coverage" by Mohamed K. Emara (PhD Carleton University), Debidas Kundu (Faculty IIITD), Keigan MacDonell (PhD Carleton University), Leandro Rufail (Postdoc Carleton University) & Shulabh Gupta (Faculty Carleton University) is accepted in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. The paper titled FLIP: An Artificial Neural Network-based Post-routing Incremental Placer by Pranav Jain, Gagandeep and Dr. Sneh Saurabh has been accepted in VLSID 2024. An article titled ‘The Political Economy of Gig Work in the Pandemic: Social Hierarchies and Labour Control of Indian Platform Workers’ by Dr. Gayatri Nair (Faculty, IIIT-Delhi) has been published in the Journal of South Asian Development. An article titled, ‘Unexceptional Neoliberalism and the Future of Work: Constrained Enterprise and Worker Subjectivities in the Gig Economy of India’ by Dr. Gayatri Nair and Jennifer Divyadarshi gets published in the journal- Work in the Global Economy. Paper titled "Bilayer Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion-Based Muller C-Element," by Jasmine Kaur, Dr. Sneh Saurabh, Dr. Shubham Sahay has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023 Cooking with algorithms and data of recipes, flavors, nutrition, health, and sustainability will revolutionize the food landscape. The Hindu presents Dr. Ganesh Bagler's prescription for Making Food Computable. - Praveen Priyadrashi
"Remaking Cities- Urban Reforms in Ahmedabad and Kanpur, India" by Routledge in Europe and North America (Published) Akshat Vikram Singh, Yash Agrawal, Rahul Gupta, Abhishek Kumar, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"ANROL: Autonomous Navigation based on ROS and Laser Odometry" in IEEE COMSNETS 2023 (Accepted)- Debjit Batabyal, Sandeep Kumar Singh, Rajnish Kumar Mishra, Anuj Grover
"A Sense Amplifier Based Bulk Built-In Current Sensor for Detecting Laser-Induced Currents" at the 36th International VLSID 2023 (Presented) - Mohd Hamza Naim Shaikh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava, Gourab Ghatak
"An Energy Efficient Dual IRS-aided Outdoor-to-Indoor Communication System" in IEEE Systems Journal (Accepted) - Karishma Sinha, Paarmita Jhalani, Aasim Khan, Payel Chattopadhyay Mukherjee
"Influencers as institutions: Impact of digital politics in the Global South" in the Global Policy journal (Published) - Durlubh Kumar Sharma
"Future scope of research on the biodesulfurisation and biodemineralisation of petroleum and coal for their utilization in environment friendly way for sustainable development" in the Acta Scientific Biotechnology journal (Published) - Syed Asrar ul Haq, Abdul Karim Gizzini, Shakti Shrey, Sumit J. Darak, Sneh Saurabh, Marwa Chafii
"Deep Neural Network Augmented Wireless Channel Estimation for Preamble-based OFDM PHY on Zynq System on Chip" in IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (Published) - Harsha M, Ananya Ajay Dave, Gurpreet Singh, Arun Balaji Buduru, Sanat K Biswas
"A Deep Neural Network-based Space debris trajectory prediction after an elastic collision event" for oral presentation at International Conference on Spacecraft Mission Operations 2023 (Accepted) - S. Jain, E. Chouzenoux, K. Kumar, A. Majumdar
"Graph Regularized Probabilistic Matrix Factorization for Drug-Drug Interactions Prediction" in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (Published) - Pooja Gupta, Angshul Majumdar, Emilie Chouzenoux, Giovanni Chierchia
"DeConDFFuse : Predicting drug-drug interaction using joint deep convolutional transform learning and decision forest fusion framework" in the Expert Systems with Applications journal, 2023 (Published) - Medhavi Sabherwal, Grace Eden
"Stage, Studio and Screen: Reimagining Dance Online" at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Accepted) - Sneh Saurabh
"Introduction to VLSI Design Flow" by Cambridge University Press (Published) - Akshita Gupta, Saurabh Jaiswal, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Priority Based V2V Data Offloading Scheme for FiWi based Vehicular Network using Reinforcement Learning" for publication in Vehicular Communications, 2023 (Accepted) - Anubha Gupta, Manu Kumar Shetty
"Will AI be able to tackle healthcare challenges effectively?" in Hindustan Times (Published) - Debarka Sengupta
"Data Science in Healthcare: How to Build a Career Around it?" in News18 (Published) - Achyuthanand K, Saurabh Prasad, Mrinmoy Chakrabarty
"Trait anxiety modulates the detection sensitivity of negative affect in speech: an online pilot study" in Behavioral Neuroscience informs cognitive biases of affective anomalies and design of online testing paradigms. (Published) - Martin Webb, Aasim Khan, Venkata Ratnadeep Suri, Riad Azam & Farhat Salim
"Between hunger and contagion: digital mediation and advocacy during the COVID-19 emergency in Delhi" in the Third World Quarterly journal (Published) - Eduard Eiben, Diptapriyo Majumdar, and M. S. Ramanujan
"Finding a Highly Connected Steiner Subgraph and its Applications" in the MFCS-2023 (Published) - Mohammad Faraz Idris Siddiqui, Saif Ali
"Social Media Crowdsourcing For Traffic Congestion Management" in the Young Researchers Conclave 2023 organised at CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi (Accepted) - Ashwin Jacob, Jari J. H. de Kroon, Diptapriyo Majumdar and Venkatesh Raman
"Deletion to Scattered Graph Classes I -- case of finite number of graph classes " in Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS) (Published) - Srinivasan, A.
"The Indian Institutes of Technology: A sociology of knowledge perspective" in Manisha Priyam (ed) Reclaiming Public Universities: Comparative Reflections for Reform, Routledge: London (pp 143-163) (Accepted) - Liedtke, C., Terry Irwin, Lewis Akenji, Amrit Srinivasan
"Sustainability (IF: 3.889, ISSN 2071-1050) Special Issue: Sustainable < href="" target="_blank">Lifestyles and Consumer Behavior—Production and Consumption Systems. June 2023 (Accepted) - Paro Mishra, Ravinder Kaur, Shambhawi Vikram
"One Size (doesn’t) Fit All: A Closer Look at FemTech Apps and Datafied Reproductive Body Projects in India" in FemTech: Intersectional Interventions in Women’s Digital Health (Accepted) - Ashwin Jacob, Diptapriyo Majumdar,Venkatesh Raman
"Deletion to Scattered Graph Classes II -- improved FPT algorithms for deletion to pairs of graph classes" in Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS). (Published) - Priyanka Singh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"On the Optimal Assignment of Mirror Elements in UAV and OIRS-Assisted OWC based Architecture" in IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2023-Spring, Florence, Italy, 2023. (Accepted) - Ashwin Jacob, Diptapriyo Majumdar, Venaktesh Raman
"Expansion Lemma -- Variations and Applications to Polynomial-Time Preprocessing" in Algorithms. (Published) - Carl Einarson, Gregory Gutin, Bart M.P.Jansen, Diptapriyo Majumdar, Magnus Wahlstrom
"p-Edge/vertex-connected vertex cover: Parameterized and approximation algorithms" in Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS). (Published) - Priyanka Singh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Reliable and Cost Effective All Optical Wireless Architecture for Broadband Access Network" in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communication and Networking (JOCN), 2023 (Accepted)
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
- Saswati Paramita, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Abhijit Mitra, Hari Ramamoorthy M, Hari Krishna Atluri, A. Paventhan
"Trait anxiety influences negative affect-modulated distribution of visuospatial attention" in IEEE COMSNETS 2023 (Accepted).
- Gursimran Kaur, Rakshita Anand, Mrinmoy Chakrabarty
"Demo of Hybrid LiFi/WiFi Network for an Indoor Environment" in Neuroscience [Elsevier Publisher for International Brain Research Organization], December 2022 (Published).
- Anubha Gupta, Sachin Motwani, Tanmoy Chakraborty
" Changing Landscape of Technical Education Pedagogy From Traditional to Practical e-Learning " in IEEE Computer Magazine 2022. (Published)
- Priyanka Singh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
" On the Optimization of Integrated Terrestrial-Air-Underwater Architecture using Optical Wireless Communication for Future 6G Network " in IEEE Photonics Journal 2022. (Accepted)
- Ashutosh Vaish, Anubha Gupta, Ajit Rajwade
" CSR-PERT: Joint framework for MRI and HARDI data reconstruction using perturbed radial trajectory estimated from compressively sensed measurements " in Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier. (Accepted)
- Eduard Eiben, Diptapriyo Majumdar, M. S. Ramanujan
" On the Lossy Kernelization for Connected Treedepth Deletion Set " in International Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts of Computer Science (WG 2022) (Published)
- Jason Crampton, Eduard Eiben, Gregory Gutin, Daniel Karapetyan, Diptapriyo Majumdar
" Generalized Noise Role Mining " in ACM-SACMAT 2022 (Published)
- Jason Crampton, Eduard Eiben, Gregory Gutin, Daniel Karapetyan, Diptapriyo Majumdar
" Valued Authorization Policy Existence Problem: Theory and Experiments " inACM-TOPS (Published)
- Gagandeep, Deepank Grover, Tarun Sharma, Keshav Goel, Swapnil Bansal, Sidhartha Sankar, Sujay Deb
" Efficient Wearable Health Monitoring System using Cortex M0 Based SoC " at IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2022 (Accepted)
- Sidhartha Sankar Rout, M Badri, Mitali Sinha, Sujay Deb
" ReDeSIGN: Reuse of Debug Structures for Improvement in Performance Gain of NoC based MPSoCs " in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (IEEE TETC) (Accepted)
- Harsh Verma, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anubha Gupta
" DEC-aided SM-OFDM: A Spatial Modulation System with Deep Learning-based Error Correction " in International Conference on AI-ML Systems, 2022 (Selected)
- Paro Mishra, Ravinder Kaur, Shambhawi Vikram & Prashastika Sharma
" Datafying the Reproductive Body in India: Everyday Data Practices and the Politics of Erasure " in Cultures of Data and Datafication in South Asia, Oxford Department of International Development (Accepted)
- Richa Gupta, P V M Rao, M Balakrishnan
" Evaluating the Use of Tactile Shapes in Associative Learning" in Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (Accepted)
- Richa Gupta
" Strategies for Teaching Design Prototyping in Virtual Mode" at EDDE Design Education Conference 2022 (Accepted)
- Akanksha Farswan, Anubha Gupta, Lingaraja Jena, Vivek Ruhela, Gurvinder Kaur, Ritu Gupta
" Characterizing the mutational landscape of MM and its precursor MGUS" in American Journal of Cancer Research (Published)
- Ritu Gupta, Shiv Gehlot, Anubha Gupta
" C-NMC: B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: A Blood Cancer Dataset" in Medical Engineering & Physics (Published)
- Atul Anand, Tushar Kadian, Manu Kumar Shetty, Anubha Gupta
" Explainable AI Decision Model for ECG Data of Cardiac Disorders" in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (Published)
- Manu Kumar Shetty, Anubha Gupta, Mohit Gupta
" Machine learning based model for risk prediction after ST-Elevation myocardial infarction: Insights from the North India ST elevation myocardial infarction (NORIN-STEMI) Registry " in International Journal of Cardiology (Published)
- Shiv Gahlot, Naushad Ansari, Anubha Gupta
" WTL-I: Mutual Information-Based Wavelet Transform Learning for Hyperspectral Imaging" in Frontiers in Signal Processing (Published)
- Binish Fatimah, Priya Aggarwal, Pushpendra Singh, Anubha Gupta
" A comparative study for predictive monitoring of COVID-19 pandemic " Applied Soft Computing (Published)
- Akanksha Farswan, Ritu Gupta, Anubha Gupta
" ARCANE-ROG: Algorithm for Reconstruction of Cancer Evolution from single-cell data using Robust Graph Learning " in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Elsevier. (Accepted)
- Bhavya Chopra, Richa Gupta
" StoryBox: Independent Multi-modal Interactive Storytelling for Children with Visual Impairment " in ACM Digital Library. (Published)
- Richa Gupta
" Perceiving Sequences and Layouts Through Touch " in ACM Digital Library. (Published)
- Anubha Gupta, Sachin Motwani, Abhishek Agarwal, Vishaal Udandarao, Tanmoy Chakraborty
" Changing Landscape of Technical Education Pedagogy from Traditional to Practical e-Learning " in Computer, IEEE Magazine. (Accepted)
- Manu Kumar Shetty, Shekhar Kunal, M.P. Girish, Arman Qamar, Sameer Arora, Michael Hendricksone, Padhinhare P.Mohanan, Puneet Gupta, S. Ramakrishnan, Rakesh Yadav, Ankit Bansal, Geevar Zachariahi, Vishal Batra, Deepak L. Bhatt, Anubha Gupta, Mohit Gupta
" Machine learning based model for risk prediction after ST-Elevation myocardial infarction: Insights from the North India ST elevation myocardial infarction (NORIN-STEMI) Registry " in International Journal of Cardiology, Elsevier. (Accepted)
- Pushpendra Singh, Anubha Gupta
" Generalized SIR (GSIR) epidemic model: An improved framework for the predictive monitoring of COVID-19 pandemic " in ISA transactions, Elsevier. (Published)
- Amulya Agrawal, Aniket Chauhan, Manu Kumar Shetty, Girish M. P, Mohit D. Gupta, Anubha Gupta
" ECG-iCOVIDNet: Interpretable AI model to identify changes in the ECG signals of post-COVID subjects" in Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier. (Published)
- Paro Mishra
" 'I could have actually died...': Pandemic Biopolitics Meets Reproductive Health Self-tracking in India" at European Association for Social Anthropology (EASA) 2022, Belfast, UK. (Accepted)
- Shivangi Patel, Paro Mishra
"Kinning Across Borders: Reverse Intergenerational Care Circulation between Indian Aging parents and their Migrant Children in a Transnational Context" at European Association for Social Anthropology (EASA) 2022, Belfast, UK. (Accepted)
- Koushik Biswas, Sandeep Kumar, Shilpak Banerjee, Ashish Kumar Pandey
"Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep Networks using Smoothing Maximum Technique" at IEEE/CVF conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022. (Accepted)
- Rahul, Abhijit Mitra, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava, Deepak Solanki
"Experimental Validation of Optical Wireless Receiver using Solar Panel with Bandwidth Enhancement Circuit," in 95th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2022-Spring), Helsinki, Finland 2022. (Accepted)
- Mehreen, Akshita Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"A Hybrid Wavelength Allocation Framework for Fiber-Wireless Based Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Network" in 95th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2022-Spring), Helsinki, Finland 2022. (Accepted)
- Sumita Sharma, Heidi Hartikainen, Leena Ventä-Olkkonen, Netta Iivari, Grace Eden, Essi Kinnunen, Jenni Holappa, Marianne Kinnula, Tonja Molin-Juustila, Jussi Okkonen, Sirkku Kotilainen, Ole Sejer Iversen, Rocío Fatás Arana
"In Pursuit of Inclusive and Diverse Digital Futures: Exploring the Potential of Design Fiction in Education of Children" in ID & A Journal. (Published)
- Aditya Saini, Ranjitha Prasad
"Select Wisely and Explain: Active Learning and Probabilistic Local Post-hoc Explainability" at AIES 2022. (Accepted)
- Priyanka Singh, Akshita Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Cost Effective Hybrid FSO-Wireless Architecture for Broadband Access Network" in International Conference on ONDM 2022. (Accepted)
- Akshita Gupta, Halwai Sakshi Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Energy Resource Allocation for Green FiWi Network using Ensemble Learning" in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 2022. (Accepted)
- Priya Aggarwal, Narendra Kumar Mishra, Binish Fatimah, Pushpendra Singh, Anubha Gupta, Shiv Dutt Joshi
"COVID-19 Image Classification using Deep Learning: Advances, Challenges and Opportunities" in Computers in Biology and Medicine 2022. (Published)
- Anand Singh, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohra
"Optimum LED semiangle and the receiver FOV selection for Indoor VLC System with Human Blockages" in VTC2022-Spring . (Accepted)
- Angel Walia, Grace Eden
"The Worksheet School: COVID-19 Lockdown and Online Schooling" in India HCI ’21 Conference. (Published)
- Manta Wangsu
"Arunachal's Tribal Women Are Far From Being Better Off Than Men" in The Wire. (Published)
- Gayatri Nair, Nila Ginger Hofman
"Middle-class Women and Domestic Work in India and the United States: Caste, Race and Patriarchy" in Sociological Bulletin Journal 2022. (Published)
- Vipul Sharma, Ram Krishna Ghosh and Bijoy Kumar Kuanr
"Influence of ferromagnetic layer thickness on the Gilbert damping and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in PLD grown epitaxial Co2FeSi Heusler alloy thin films" in Results in Surfaces and Interfaces, 2022. (Accepted)
- Sachin Motwani, Anubha Gupta
"Makers Studio: Enabling Education and Skill Development through ICT" in IT Professional, IEEE Magazine 2022. (Published)
- A. Verma, A. V. Subramanyam, Z. Wang, S. Satoh and R. R. Shah
"Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-identification via Individual-preserving and Environmental-switching Cyclic Generation" in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2022. (Accepted)
- Pushpendra Singh, Anubha Gupta, and Shiv Dutt Josh
"General Parameterized Fourier Transform: A Unified Framework for the Fourier, Laplace, Mellin and Z Transforms" in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing February 2022. (Published)
- Arindam Dey, Amit Barde, Bowen Yuan, Ekansh Sareen, Chelsea Dobbins, Aaron Goh, Gaurav Gupta, Anubha Gupta, Mark Billinghurst
"Effects of Interacting with Facial Expressions and Controllers in Different Virtual Environments on Presence, Usability, Affect, and Neurophysiological Signals" in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies April 2022. (Published)
- Payel C. Mukherjee
"Disease and the Recovered Other: Into the Margins of Body and Precarity in South Asian Literature" in 2022 South Asian Literary Association Annual Conference (SALA). (Accepted)
- Grace Eden
"Design Futuring for Love, Friendship, and Kinships: Five Perspectives on Intimacy" in ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Accepted)
- Priyanka Singh, Akshita Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Anand Srivastava
"QoS-Aware Reliable Architecture for Broadband Fiber-Wireless Access Networks" in IEEE Systems Journal 2022. (Accepted)
- Bhushan Shah, Shekhar Kunal, Ankit Bansal, Jayant Jain, Shubhankar Poundrik, Manu Kumar Shetty, Vishal Batra, Vivek Chaturvedi, Jamal Yusuf, Saibal Mukhopadhyay, Sanjay Tyagi, Girish, Anubha Gupta, and Mohit Dayal Gupta
"Heart rate variability as a marker of cardiovascular dysautonomia in post-COVID-19 syndrome using artificial intelligence" in the Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal (IPEJ). (Published)
- Siddharth Dawar, Vikram Goyal, Debajyoti Bera
"SMIM Framework to Generalize High-Utility Itemset Mining", in the ADMA conference. (Accepted)
- Ashutosh Vaish, Ajit Rajwade, Anubha Gupta
"TL-HARDI: Transform Learning based Accelerated Reconstruction of HARDI data", in the Computers in Biology and Medicine (CIBM) Journal 2022. (Published)
- Akshita Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Anand Srivastava
"Techno-Socio-Economic Impact of Joint Energy Resource Allocation Scheme in FiWi Network", in IEEE TNSM 2022. (Accepted)
- M. Murray, V. Abrol and J. Tanner
"Activation function design for deep networks: linearity and effective initialisation", in Elsevier Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. (Accepted)
- Nikhil M. Karoti, Saswati Paramita, Rizwana Ahmad, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Improving the performance of Heterogeneous LiFi-WiFi network using a novel Link Aggregation Framework" in IEEE WCNC 2022. (Accepted) - Mohd Hamza Naim Shaikh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava, Gourab Ghatak
"On the Performance of RIS-Aided NOMA System with Non-ideal Transceiver over Nakagami-m Fading" " in IEEE WCNC 2022, April 10-13, 2022, in Austin, TX, USA (Accepted)
Jan 2021 - Dec 2021
- Gayatri Nair
"Set Adrift; Capitalist Transformations and Community Politics Along Mumbai's Shores" in Oxford University Press (Published) - Ritwik Kar, Garvita Jain, Muskan Aggarwal, Payel C. Mukherjee
"Text, Retelling, and the Digital: Reimagining the Mahabharata through Interactive Games" in International conference on Interactive Storytelling ICIDS 2021 (Published) - Anubha Gupta, Vandana Gupta, Deepankar Kansal, Manu Kumar Shetty, Girish Palleda, Mohit D. Gupta
"X-ECGNet: An Interpretable DL Model for Stress Detection Using ECG in COVID-19 Healthcare Workers" in IEEE BIOSMART Conference 2021 (Accepted) - Akhil Mahajan, Manu Kumar Shetty, Girish M. P., Mohit D.Gupta, Anubha Gupta
"Building an AI Model on ECG Data for Identifying Burnout/Stressed Healthcare Workers Involved in Covid-19 Management" the IEEE International Conference on Electronics Communication and Computing Technologies, 2021 (Published). - Paro Mishra, Yogita Suresh
"Datafied body projects in India: Femtech and the rise of reproductive surveillance in the digital era" in the Asian Journal of Women's Studies (Published). - Bapi Chatterjee, Sathya Peri, Muktikanta Sa. Komma Manogna
"Non-blocking Dynamic Unbounded Graphs with Worst-case Amortized Bounds" at OPODIS 2021 (Accepted). - Mansi Gupta, Somya Sharma, Himani Joshi, Sumit J Darak
"Reconfigurable Architecture for Spatial Sensing in Wideband Radio Front-End" in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2021 (Accepted). - Akanksha Farswan, Anubha Gupta, Sriram K, Atul Sharma, Lalit Kumar, Ritu Gupta
"Does ethnicity matter in multiple myeloma risk prediction in the era of genomics and novel agents? Evidence from real-world data" in Frontiers in Oncology, 2021 (Accepted). - Harshit Singh Chhabra, Koteswar Rao Jerripothula
"Comprehensive Saliency Fusion for Object Co-segmentation" in 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2021 (Accepted). - Anant Mittal, Priya Aggarwal, Luiz Pessoa, Anubha Gupta
"Robust Brain State Decoding using Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Networks in functional MRI" in ICVGIP 20-21 to be held in Jodhpur, India, in December 2021 (Accepted). - Koteswar Rao Jerripothula, Sarvesh Kumar Shukla, Samyak Jain, Sudhanshu Singh
"Fruit Maturity Recognition from Agricultural, Market and Automation Perspectives" in 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2021 (Accepted). - Koteswar Rao Jerripothula, Sharik Ali Ansari, Rahul Nijhawan
"A Vision-based Solution for Track Misalignment Detection" in 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2021 (Accepted). - Koteswar Rao Jerripothula, Jianfei Cai, Jiangbo Lu, Junsong Yuan
"Image Co-skeletonization via Co-segmentation" in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), 2021 (Published). - Koteswar Rao Jerripothula, Prerana Mukherjee
"ASOC: Adaptive Self-aware Object Co-localization" in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2021 (Published). - Sharik Ali Ansari, Koteswar Rao Jerripothula, Pragya Nagpal, Ankush Mittal
"Eye-focused Detection of Bell's Palsy in Videos" in 34th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), 2021 (Published). - Akshat Saxena, Swapnil Bansal, Divisha Sharma, Payal Kumari, Sandeep Kumar Singh, Priya Kapil, Belal Iqbal, Anuj Grover
"Design Of High-Density Memory Cell Library For Low Voltage Operation In 65nm LSTP Technology" at IEEE INDICON 2021. (Accepted). - Kinshu Kumar, Akshita Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Centralized vs Decentralized Resource Analysis of Green FiWi Networks" in IEEE ANTS 2021. (Accepted). - Paro Mishra & Yogita Suresh
"Datafied Body Projects: Femtech and the Rise of Reproductive Surveillance in the Digital Era" in Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 2021 (Accepted). - Paro Mishra
"Digital Intimacies and Gendered Surveillance in the lives of Cross-border Marriage Migrants in Rural North India" in Digital Intimacies, 2021 (Accepted). - Sachin Motwani, Anubha Gupta
"Experiencing Hyperloops: Transit of the Future" at the IEEE Computer Magazine (Accepted). - Venkata Ratnadeep Suri, Amy Gonzales, Riya Singh
"eHealth Engages and Empowers Low-Income HIV+ Patients: Implications for Health Literacy Practitioners" at the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) (Presented). - Neetu R.R., Akshita Gupta, Gourab Ghatak, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Joint Bandwidth and Position Optimization in UAV Networks Deployed in Disaster Scenarios." in NCC, 2021 (Published). - Payel Chattopadhyay Mukherjee
"Familiar domesticity, unfamiliar homes: Ethnography among the homeless homemakers of Ahmedabad" in Rosa Maria Perez and Lina Fruzzetti (Eds) Transdisciplinary Ethnography in India: Women in the Field( pp. 33 - 50). Oxon, UK & New York: Routledge (Published). - Ranjini Ray, Atreyee Bhattacharya, Gaurav Arora, Kushank Bajaj, Keyle Horton, Shi Chen, Supriyo Chakraborty, Amir Bazaz
"Extreme rainfall deficits were not the cause of recurring colonial era famines of southern Indian semi-arid regions" in Nature Scientific Reports (Published). - Abhinav Gupta, Sneh Saurabh
"Implementing a Ternary Inverter Using Dual-Pocket Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors" in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (Accepted). - Swapnil Bansal, Anuj Grover
"Process Compensated Diagnostic Circuit For Impending Fault Detection In SRAM Write Drivers" at IEEE APCCAS 2021, Malaysia. (Accepted). - Sayandip Kar, Anuj Grover
"A 585mV, 16.6fJ/cycle, 0.2µW Variation Tolerant Scannable Hybrid Flip-Flop in 65nm CMOS LSTP" at IEEE PrimeAsia 2021, Malaysia. (Accepted). - Gourab Ghatak, Saeed Reza Khosravirad, Antonio De Domenico
"Stochastic Geometry Framework for Ultra-Reliable Cooperative Communications with Random Blockages" in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Accepted). - Gurvinder Kaur, Ritu Gupta, Lingaraja Jena, Akanksha Farswan, Anubha Gupta, Lalit Kumar, Lata Rani, Atul Sharma
"Whole Exome Sequencing provides novel insights in synonymous and nonsynonymous mutational landscapes of Multiple Myeloma" in 18th International Myeloma Workshop, Vienna, Austria (Accepted). - Anjali Dhall, Sumeet Patiyal, Neelam Sharma, Naorem Leimarembi Devi, and Gajendra P. S. Raghava
"Computer-aided prediction of inhibitors against STAT3 for managing COVID-19 associated cytokine storm" in Computers and Biology Medicine (Published). - Nikita Mehrotra, Navdha Agarwal, Piyush Gupta, Saket Anand, David Lo, Rahul Purandare
"Modeling Functional Similarity in Source Code with Graph-Based Siamese Networks" as a Journal First for publication in the upcoming issue of the Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) (Accepted). - Neelam Sharma, Sumeet Patiyal, Anjali Dhall, Naorem Leimarembi Devi, Gajendra P. S. Raghava
"ChAlPred: A web server for prediction of allergenicity of chemical compounds" in Computers and Biology Medicine (Published). - Abhijay Choudhary
"Social Audits In India: Reflections on Power structures" to the IUAES 2021 (Accepted). - Paro Mishra
"Gendered Surveillance, Family Connections and Conflicts: An
Ethnographic Perspective on Mobile Phone Usage by Migrant Brides in North India" in Smart Phones, Social Media and Gender Faultlines: Southern Perspectives on Emerging Perspectives (Routledge), 2021 (Accepted). - Ashwin Singh, Grace Eden
"Hanging Out Online: Social Life During the Pandemic" to the INTERACT ’21 Conference in Bari, Italy (Accepted). - Ritu Gupta, Lingaraja Jena, Akanksha Farswan, Anubha Gupta, Lalit Kumar, Lata Rani, Atul Sharma, Gurvinder Kaur
"Clonal evolution in multiple myeloma evaluated by Whole Exome Sequencing" in 18th International Myeloma Workshop, Vienna, Austria.. (Accepted). - Paarmita Jhalani, Karishma Sinha, Aasim Khan, Payel Mukherjee
"When is Medium not the Message? Context Specific Role of Twitter in the Digital Politics of Protests Movements in India and the USA" at SACA-AEJMC 2021 conference. (Selected). - Nalin Mathur, Anubha Gupta, Snehlata Jaswal, and Rohit Verma
"Deep learning helps EEG signals predict different stages of visual processing in the human brain" in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, a publication of the Elsevier. (Published). - Manta Wangsu
"Extractivism and Extremism: The Tangled Resource Politics of Northeast India" in 'The Wire' (Published). - Ria Gupta, Aayushi Mittal, Vishesh Agrawal, Sushant Gupta, Krishan Gupta, Rishi Raj Jain, Prakriti Garg, Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, Riya Sogani, Harshit Singh Chhabra, Vishakha Gautam, Tripti Mishra, Debarka Sengupta, Gaurav Ahuja
"OdorFy: A conglomerate of Artificial Intelligence - Drive prediction engines for olfactory decoding." in Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021 (Published).
- Paro Mishra
"When South Meets North: Interrogating Agency and Marital Mobility in Kerala-Haryana Marriages" in India's Economy and Society: Lateral Explorations (Springer), 2021 (Published).
- Shiv Gehlot, Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta
"A CNN-based unified framework utilizing projection loss in unison with label noise handling for multiple Myeloma cancer diagnosis" in Medical Image Analysis, Elsevier (Accepted).
- Akanksha Farswan, Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta, Saswati Hazra, Sadaf Khan, Lalit Kumar and Atul Sharma
"AI-Supported Modified Risk Staging for Multiple Myeloma Cancer Useful in Real-World Scenario" at Translational Oncology, a publication of the Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network. (Accepted)
- Aasim Khan
"Beyond consent: Surveillance capitalism and politics in the data state" in India Review (Taylor and Francis Publisher), June 2021 (Published).
- Sachin Motwani, Anubha Gupta
"Makers' Studio: Enabling Education and Skill Development through ICT" at IEEE IT Pro (Accepted).
- Mrinmoy Chakrabarty, Takeshi Atsumi, Ayako Kaneko, Reiko Fukatsu, Masakazu Ide
"State anxiety modulates the effect of emotion cues on visual temporal sensitivity in autism spectrum disorder." in European Journal of Neuroscience [Wiley-Blackwell Publisher], June 2021 (Published).
- Paro Mishra
"Ageing in the Context of Care Deficit: The Impact of Gender Imbalance on Elderly Care in North India" in the 5th APA Conference 2021. (Accepted)
- Paro Mishra
"Domestic Workers, Precarious Labour and Amplified Risks under COVID-19: Biopolitics of Contamination, Caste and Control in India" in BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021. (Accepted)
- Mohd Hamza Naim Shaikh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava, Gourab Ghatak
"Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces Versus Full-Duplex Relaying: Performance Comparison for Non-Ideal Transmitter Case " in IEEE 2021 and PIMRC. (Accepted)
- Smriti Singh
"George Floyd: Democracy, Police, and Black American Resistance" in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) Engage Journal. (Published)
- Kalpana Shankar, Dean Phelan, Venkata Ratnadeep Suri, Richard Watermeyer, Cathryn Knight, Tom Crick
"The COVID-19 crisis is not the core problem’: experiences, challenges, and concerns of Irish academia during the pandemic" in the Irish Educational Studies journal. (Published).
- Takao Fukui, Mrinmoy Chakrabarty, Misako Sano et. al.
"Enhanced use of gaze cue in a face-following task after brief trial experience in individuals with autism spectrum disorder." in Scientific Reports [Nature Publishing Group], May 2021 (Published).
- Gurinder Singh, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Bohara and Zilong Liu
"Downlink Performance of Optical Power Domain NOMA for Beyond 5G Enabled V2X Networks" in the IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology 2021 (Accepted)
- Paro Mishra, Ravinder Kaur
"Gender Imbalance, Marriage Squeeze and Multiple Biological Clocks: Exploring the Challenges to Intergeneration Contract in North India" in Anthropology & Aging, 2021 (Published)
- Manohar Kumar
"Transforming the public sphere: Whistleblowing and the new accountability" in the 26th International Political Science Association World Congress (Accepted)
- Smriti Singh
"I Think, Therefore I Am Middle Class" in The Sociological Review (Published)
- Sanat K Biswas
"A theoretical comparison of NavIC and GPS RAIM performance" at URSI -GASS 2021 (Accepted)
- Bushra Ansari, Sanat K Biswas
"A Hardware-In-Loop simulation Test-bed for NavIC Reflectometry Experiments" at URSI -GASS 2021 (Accepted)
- Arora, G., Feng, H., Hennessy, D.A., Loesch, C.R., Kvas, S.
"The impact of production network economies on spatially-contiguous conservation- Theoretical model with evidence" in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 107 (published)
- Mohd Hamza Naim Shaikh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava, Gourab Ghatak
"Performance Analysis of Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Wireless System with Non-Ideal Transceiver" in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJ-COMS). (Accepted)
- Arpit Bhatia, Aneesha Lakra, Rakshita Anand, Grace Eden
"An Analysis of Ludo Board Game Play on Smartphones" at the ACM CHI'21 conference. (Accepted)
- Grace Eden
"Calling for a Plurality of Perspectives on Design Futuring: An Un-Manifesto" at the alt.chi, CHI'21. (Accepted)
- Anish Madan, Ranjitha Prasad
"B-Small: A Bayesian Neural Network Approach to sparse model-agnostic meta-learning" at IEEE ICASSP 2021. (Accepted)
- Devika Sondhi, Mayank Jobanputra, Divya Rani, Salil Purandare, Sakshi Sharma, Rahul Purandare
"Mining Similar Methods for Test Adaptation " in IEEE Transactions. (Accepted)
- Himani Joshi, Sumit J Darak, Mohammad Alaee-Kerahroodi, Bhavani Shankar Mysore Rama Rao
"Reconfigurable and Intelligent Ultra-Wideband Angular Sensing: Prototype Design and Validation " in IEEE Transactions. (Accepted)
- Mansi Peer, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava, Gourab Ghatak
"User Mobility-Aware Time Stamp for UAV-BS Placement" in IEEE WCNC Workshop 2021, Nanjing, China. (Accepted)
- Kumari Anjali, Shubham Saha, Anuj Grover
"Reduced March iC- Test for Detecting Ageing Induced Faults in Memory Address Decoder" in 34th International Conference on VLSI Design and 19th International Conference on Embedded Systems (Accepted)
- Feraj Husain, Belal Iqbal, Anuj Grover
"A 0.4uA Offset, 6ns Sensing-time Multi-level Sense Amplifier for Resistive Non-Volatile Memories in 65nm LSTP Technology" in 34th International Conference on VLSI Design and 19th International Conference on Embedded Systems (Accepted)
- Anindita Majumdar, Paro Mishra, Ravinder Kaur
"Social Sciences, Bioethics and the Question of Population" in Asian Bioethics Review, 2021 (Published)
- Shreya Gupta, Megha Sundriyal, Parantak Singh, Md Shad Akhtar, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"LESA: Linguistic Encapsulation and Semantic Amalgamation Based Generalised Claim Detection from Online Content" in 16th conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), 2021 (Published)
- Mitali Sinha, Pramit Bhattacharya, Sidhartha Sankar Rout, Neha Bhairavi Prakriya, Sujay Deb
"Securing an Accelerator-rich System from Flooding-based Denial-of-Service Attacks" In IEEE TETC, 2021 (Published)
- Paro Mishra
"Reproductive Technologies, Care Crisis and Inter-generational Relations in North India: Towards a Local Ethics of Care" In Asian Bioethics Review, 2021 (Published)
- Anand Singh, Gourab Ghatak, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohra, Anand Kumar Jagdeeshan
"Performance Analysis of Indoor Communication System using off-the-shelf LEDs with Human Blockages" in IEEE OJ-COMS 2021. (Accepted)
- Ramneek Kaur, Vikram Goyal, Venkata M. V. Gunturi
"Finding the most navigable path in road networks" in GeoInformatica journal, 2021. (Published)
- Amit Verma, Siddharth Dawar, Raman Kumar, Shamkant Navathe, Vikram Goyal
"High-utility and diverse itemset mining" in the Applied Intelligence Journal, 2021. (Accepted)
- Ayushi Srivastava, Shivani Kapania, Anupriya Tuli, Pushpendra Singh
"Actionable UI Design Guidelines for Smartphone Applications Inclusive of Low-literate Users" in ACM, 24th Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Community, CSCW, 2021. (Accepted)
Jan 2020 - Dec 2020
- Daksh Goyal, Koteswar Rao Jerripothula, Ankush Mittal
"Detection of Gait Abnormalities caused by Neurological Disorders" in IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2020 (Published). - Akansha Gautam, Koteswar Rao Jerripothula
"SGG: Spinbot, Grammarly and GloVe based Fake News Detection System" n IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 2020 (Published). - Sidhartha Sankar Rout, Sujay Deb, Kanad Basu
"WiND: An Efficient Post-Silicon Debug Strategy for Network-on-Chip" in IEEE TCAD. (Accepted)
- Mukherjee P.C.
"Cosmopolitan Nationalism, Spirituality and Spaces in Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo" in Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society. Palgrave Macmillan: Singapore (2020). (Published)
- Loy K.L., Mukherjee P.C.
"Enhancing intercultural learning: A virtual classroom integrating teaching, learning, and research. Teaching and Learning Connections" in community of practice 2020. (Published)
- Ray, R., Bhattacharya, A., Bazaz, A., Arora, G., Mitra, W.
"Climate adaptation: What worked and what did not. A 200-year record from 18th and 19th century British Administrative documents pertaining to semi-arid regions of peninsular India" at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2020. (Selected)
- Dhriti Khanna, Rahul Purandare, Subodh Sharma
"Synthesizing Multi-threaded Tests from Sequential Traces to Detect Communication Deadlocks" in IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2021. (Accepted)
- Devika Sondhi, Avyakt Gupta, Salil Purandare, Ankit Rana, Deepanshu Kaushal, Rahul Purandare
"On Indirectly Dependent Documentation in the Context of Code Evolution: A Study" in the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2021. (Accepted)
- Ramit Sawhney, Shivam Agarwal, Arnav Wadhwa, Tyler Derr and Rajiv Ratn Shah
"Stock Selection via Spatiotemporal Hypergraph Attention Network: A Learning to Rank Approach" at 35th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021 Conference. (Accepted)
- Sandeep Kumar, Koushik Biswas, Ashish Kumar Pandey
"Prediction of Landfall Intensity, Location, and Time of a Tropical Cyclone" at 35th (AAAI) 2021 Conference. (Accepted)
- Mohd Hamza Naim Shaikh, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Performance Analysis of a Full-Duplex MIMO Decode-and-Forward Relay System with Self-Energy Recycling" In IEEE Access Journal. (Accepted)
- Yifang Yin, Harsh Shrivastava, Ying Zhang, Zhenguang Liu, Rajiv Ratn Shah and Roger Zimmermann
"Enhanced Audio Tagging via Multi- to Single-Modal Teacher-Student Mutual Learning" at 35th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021 Conference. (Accepted)
- Paro Mishra
"Reproductive Technologies, Care-Crisis and Inter-generational Relations in North India: Towards a Local Ethics of Care" in the Asian Bioethics Review Journal 2020. (Accepted)
- Smriti Chawla, Sudhagar Samydurai, Say Li Kong, Zhenxun Wang, Wai Leong TAM, Debarka Sengupta, Vibhor Kumar
"UniPath: a uniform approach for pathway and gene-set based analysis of heterogeneity" in single-cell epigenome and transcriptome profiles, Nucleic Acids Research, 2020. (Published)
- Rachesh Sharma, Neetesh Pandey, Aanchal Mongia, Shreya Mishra, Angshul Majumdar, Vibhor Kumar
"FITs: forest of imputation trees for recovering true signals " in single-cell open chromatin profiles, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2020. (Published)
- Karaj Khosla, Indra Prakash Jha, Ajit Kumar, Vibhor Kumar,
"Local-Topology-Based Scaling for Distance Preserving Dimension Reduction Method to Improve Classification of Biomedical Data-Sets. Algorithms 2020" . (Published)
- Shreya Mishra, Divyanshu Srivastava, Vibhor Kumar
"Improving gene-network inference with graph-wavelets and making insights about ageing associated regulatory changes in lungs" Breifings in Bioinformatics.2020 (Accepted).
- Tong Ming Liu, Ege Deniz Yildirim, Pin Li, Hai Tong Fang, Vinitha Denslin, Vibhor Kumar, Yuin Han Loh, Eng Hin Lee, Simon M.Cool, Bin Tean Teh, James H.Hui, Bing Lim, Ng Shyh-Chang
"Ascorbate and Iron Are Required for the Specification and Long-Term Self-Renewal of Human Skeletal Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, Stem cell Reports " (2020). (Published)
- Neelam Sharma, Sumeet Patiyal, Anjali Dhall, Akshara Pande, Chakit Arora, Gajendra P S Raghava
"AlgPred 2.0: an improved method for predicting allergenic proteins and mapping of IgE epitopes" in Briefings in Bioinformatics 2020. (Published)
- Shelly Garg, Sneh Saurabh
"Implementation of Boolean Functions using Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors" in IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits 2020. (Accepted)
- Barbara Grimpe, Bernd Carsten Stahl, Carolyn Ten Holter, Philip Inglesant, Grace Eden, Menisha Patel, Marina Jirotka
"From collaborative to institutional reflexivity: Calibrating responsibility in the funding process" in Science and Public Policy Journal 2020. (Published)
- Souvik Dutta, Sabyasachi Das, Abhirup Sarkar
"Political Economy of Third Party Interventions" in Journal of Public Economics 2020. (Accepted)
- Aradhya Neeraj Mathur, Apoorv Khattar, Ojaswa Sharma
"2D to 3D Medical Image Colorization" in the WACV 2021 conference. (Accepted)
- G. Ghatak, R. Koirala, A. De Domenico, B. Denis, D. Dardari, B. Uguyen, M. Coupechoux
"Beamwidth Optimization and Resource Partitioning Scheme for Localization Assisted mm-wave Communications" in the IEEE Transactions on Communications 2020. (Accepted)
- Ramit Sawhney, Harshit Joshi, Saumya Gandhi, Rajiv Ratn Shah
"Towards Ordinal Suicide Ideation Detection on Social Media" at the 14th ACM International WSDM Conference 2020. (Accepted)
- Shelly Garg, Sneh Saurabh
"Exploiting within-channel tunneling in a Nanoscale Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor" in IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology. (Accepted)
- Rana Kumar Jana, Aniket Pradhan, Abhijit Mitra, Anand Srivastava, Andrew Lord, Biswanath Mukherjee
" When Is Operation Over C+L Bands More Economical than Multifiber for Capacity Upgrade of an Optical Backbone Network? " at European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2020. (Accepted)
- Ihshan Gumilar, Ekansh Sareen, Reed Bell, Augustus Stone, Ashkan Hayati, Jingwen Mao, Amit Barde, Anubha Gupta, Arindam Dey, Gun Lee, Mark Billinghurst
"A comparative study on inter-brain synchrony in real and virtual environments using hyperscanning" in Computer & Graphics 2020. (Accepted)
- Smriti Singh
"Taste the Joy: Food, Family, Women and Social Media" by The Sociological Review Blog 2020. (Accepted)
- Akshita Gupta, Anand Srivastava and Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Resource Allocation in Solar-Powered FiWi Networks" in IEEE Access 2020. (Accepted)
- Anjali Dhall, Sumeet Patiyal, Neelam Sharma, Salman Sadullah Usmani, Gajendra P S Raghava
"Computer-aided prediction and design of IL-6 inducing peptides: IL-6 plays a crucial role in COVID-19" in Briefings in Bioinformatics 2020. (Published)
- Paro Mishra, Ravinder Kaur
"Gender Imbalance, Marriage Squeeze and Multiple Biological Clocks: Exploring the Challenges to Intergenerational Contract in North India" in Anthropology & Aging, Journal of Association for Anthropology, Gerontology and the Life Course 2020. (Accepted)
- Payel Chattopadhyay Mukherjee
"Unhomely Home, Unhomely Women: The Precariousness of Being, Belonging, and Becoming in the Sri Lankan Diasporic Fiction of Nayomi Munaweera" in Taylor and Francis Online journal 2020. (Accepted)
- Ashwin Singh, Rachit Jain
"Kyro: Persuading Students to be Productive Using a Virtual Companion" in the "Student Design Consortium" at the proceedings of IndiaHCI 2020. (Accepted)
- Shelly Garg, Sneh Saurabh
"Realizing XOR and XNOR Functions using Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors" in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 2020. (Accepted)
- Ramit Sawhney, Arnav Wadhwa, Shivam Agarwal, Rajiv Ratn Shah
"GPolS: A Contextual Graph-Based Language Model for Analyzing Parliamentary Debates and Political Cohesion" at the 28th COLING 2020. (Accepted)
- Aniket Didolkar, Di Jin, Ramit Sawhney, Rajiv Ratn Shah
"Augmenting NLP models using Latent Feature Interpolations" at the 28th COLING 2020. (Accepted)
- Subhabrata Dutta, Sarah Masud, Sakshi Makkar, Chhavi Jain, Vikram Goyal, Amitava Das, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter" in 37th ICDE 2020. (Accepted)
- Kamakshi Pandey, Anuj Grover, Abhishek Jain
"Methodology to Estimate Robustness of Layouts of Radiation Hardened Flip-Flops to High Energy Radiations" in IEEE INDICON 2020. (Accepted)
- Vishaal Udandarao, Abhishek Agarwal, Anubha Gupta, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"InPHYNet: Leveraging Attention-based Multitask Recurrent Networks for Multi-label Physics Text Classification" in Knowledge-Based Systems 2020. (Accepted)
- Prakhar Shukla, Prabhat Singh, Tushar Maheshwari, Anuj Grover, Vikas Rana
"A 800MHz, 0.21pJ, 1.2V to 6V Level Shifter Using Thin Gate Oxide Devices in 65nm LSTP" in the 27th IEEE ICECS 2020. (Accepted)
- Belal Iqbal, Mohd Arij, Tushar Bansal, Anuj Grover
"Actively Compensated Read Assist Technique for 0.6 V Operation of 16 Mb High-Density SRAM in 65nm LSTP" in 17th IEEE INDICON 2020. (Accepted)
- Neerupama Gupta, Anuj Grover
"300MHz to 500MHz Optimization of ARM Cortex M7 for Sensor Fusion SoCs by using Multi-threshold Libraries and Multi-bit Register cells in 16nm FinFET" in 17th IEEE INDICON 2020. (Accepted)
- Rahul Kumar, Shubham Baunthiyal, Rupali Tewari, Ganesh, Abhishek TC, Riya Yadav, Anuj Grover
"Design and Benchmark of Iso-Stable High Density 4T SRAM cells for 64MB arrays in 65nm LSTP" in 17th IEEE INDICON 2020. (Accepted)
- Manshi Agrawal, Juilly Sunilrao Videkar, Anuj Grover
" AXI Based Three 8-Bit Parallel Input to One Serial Output Converter with Priority Management System and Asynchronous Clocks at Input and Output" in 17th IEEE INDICON 2020. (Accepted)
- Sumedha Shukla, Gaurav Arora
"No hand to lend" in Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), India's Down to Earth magazine. (Published)
- Tanya Chowdhury, Alvin Dey, Yash Atri, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Corpora Evaluation and System Bias detection in Multi-Document Summarization" in Findings of EMNLP 2020. (Accepted)
- Dheryta Jaisinghani, Naman Gupta, Mukulika Maity, Vinayak Naik
"Adaptive ViFi: A Dynamic Protocol for IoT Nodesin Challenged WiFi Network Conditions" at IEEE MASS 2020. (Accepted)
- Siddhant Kalra, Aayushi Mittal, Krishan Gupta, Vrinda Singhal, Anku Gupta, Tripti Mishra, Srivatsava Naidu, Debarka Sengupta, Gaurav Ahuja
"Analysis of single-cell transcriptomes links enrichment of olfactory receptors with cancer cell differentiation status and prognosis" in Communications Biology 2020. (Published)
- Ekansh Sareen, Lakshya Singh, Anubha Gupta, Rohit Verma, Krishnaveni Achary, Blessin Varkey
"Functional Brain Connectivity Analysis in Intellectual Developmental Disorder during Music Perception" in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2020. (Accepted)
- Gourab Ghatak
"A Change-Detection Based Thompson Sampling Framework for Non-Stationary Bandits" in IEEE Transactions on Computers 2020. (Accepted)
- Gurinder Singh, Anand Srivastava and Vivek Bohara
"Stochastic Geometry Based Interference Characterization for RF and VLC Based Vehicular Communication System" in the IEEE Systems Journal 2020. (Accepted)
- Gourab Ghatak
"Cooperative Relaying for URLLC in V2X Networks" in the IEEE Wireless Communication Letters 2020. (Accepted)
- Sumedha Shukla, Gaurav Arora
"The credit burden" in the Indian Express 2020. (Published)
- Gayatri Nair
"Gig Economy and The Law After COVID: Introduction To The Theme" on Law School Policy Review (LSPR). (Published)
- Gayatri Nair
"The Gig Economy in the Pandemic: Outsourcing Risk, Privatising Gain?" in The India Forum Journal Magazine. (Published)
- Koteswar Rao Jerripothula, Ankit Rai, Kanu Garg, Yashvardhan Singh Rautela
"Feature-level Rating System using Customer Reviews and Review Votes" in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 2020. (Published)
- S. V. Sai Santosh, Sumit J Darak
"Intelligent and Reconfigurable Architecture for KL Divergence Based Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms" in IEEE transactions on circuits and systems 2020. (Accepted)
- Anand Singh, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohra, Anand Kumar Jagdeeshan
"Performance of Indoor VLC System Under Random Placement of LEDs with Non-imaging and Imaging Receiver" in the IEEE Systems Journal 2020. (Accepted)
- Mansi Peer, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Cache Selection in Dynamic D2D Multicast Networks Using Inhomogeneous Markov Model" in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2020. (Accepted)
- Surabhi Garg, Munawar Hasan, Mohona Ghosh, Donghoon Chang
"BIOFUSE: A Framework For Multi-Biometric Fusion On Biocryptosystem Level" in the Elsevier information sciences 2020. (Accepted)
- Wazir Singh, Sujay Deb, Pydi Bahubalindruni
"Low-Noise Energy Efficient Readout Front-End for Wearable Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring Systems" inIEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. (Published)
- Krishan Gupta, Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, Aayushi Mittal, Siddhant Kalra, Suvendu Kumar, Tripti Mishra, Jatin Ahuja, Debarka Sengupta, Gaurav Ahuja
"The Cellular basis of loss of smell in 2019-nCoV-infected individuals" in Briefings in Bioinformatics 2020. (Published)
- Sanat K Biswas, Li Qiao, Andrew Dempster
"A Quantified Approach of Predicting Suitability of using the Unscented Kalman Filter in a Non-linear Application" in Automatica 2020. (Accepted)
- Piyush Agrawal, Dhruv Bhagat, Manish Mahalwal, Neelam Sharma, Gajendra P S Raghava
"AntiCP 2.0: an updated model for predicting anticancer peptides" in Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020. (Published)
- Neha Jain, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anubha Gupta
"PCI-MF: Partial canonical identity and Matrix factorization framework for channel estimation in mmWave Massive MIMO systems" in IEEE Open Journal on Signal Processing, 2020. (Accepted)
- Ishant Shanu, Siddhant Bharti, Chetan Arora, S.N. Maheshwari
"An Inference Algorithm for Multi-Label MRF-MAP Problems with Clique Size 100" in European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020. (Published)
- Mei-Li Hsieh, Alex Kaiser, Sayak Bhattacharya, Sajeev John & Shawn-Yu Lin
"Experimental demonstration of broadband solar absorption beyond the lambertian limit in certain thin silicon photonic crystals" in Nautre Scientific Reports. (Published)
- Aniq Ur Rahman, Yash Gupta, Gourab Ghatak
"On the Characterization of V2V Link Performance in Highway Vehicular Networks" in IEEE 5G World Forum. (Accepted)
- Mohd Hamza, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Performance Enhancement in Full-Duplex AF Relay System through Smart Antenna Allocation" in IEEE 5G World Forum. (Accepted)
- Mansi Peer, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Multi-Hop D2D Framework for Disaster-Resilient Communication Network" in IEEE 5G World Forum. (Accepted)
- Shashank Ram, Sneh Saurabh
"Modeling Multiple Input Switching in Timing Analysis using Machine Learning" in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. (Published)
- Anubha Gupta, Rahul Duggal, Shiv Gehlot, Ritu Gupta, Anvit Mangal, Lalit Kumar, Nisarg Thakkar, and Devprakash Satpathy
"GCTI-SN: Geometry-Inspired Chemical and Tissue Invariant Stain Normalization of Microscopic Medical Images" in 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test 2020. (Accepted)
- Swapnil Bansal, Sujay Deb
"Image Recognition using Cortex M0 Processor for the Visually Impaired" in 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2020). (Accepted)
- Piyush Kumar Sharma, Devashish Gosain, Himanshu Sagar, Chaitanya Kumar, Aneesh Dogra, Vinayak Naik, H.B. Acharya,Sambuddho Chakravarty
"SiegeBreaker: An SDN Based Practical Decoy Routing System" in PETS 2020. (Accepted)
- Piyush Sharma, Shashwat Chaudhary, Nikhil Hassija, Mukulika Maity, Sambuddho Chakravarty
"The Road Not Taken: Re-thinking the Feasibility of Voice Calling Over Tor " in PETS 2020. (Accepted)
- Anjali Lathwal, Rajesh Kumar, Chakit Arora, Gajendra Raghava
"Identification of prognostic biomarkers for major subtypes of non‑small‑cell lung cancer using genomic and clinical data" in the Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. (Published)
- Ashish Kumar Seth, Shashank Dwivedi, Anuj Grover
""Design & Benchmark of Single Bit & Multi Bit Sequential Elements in 65nm for Low Standby Power Consumption" in 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2020). (Accepted)
- Vaibhav Verma, Fiza Akhtar, Anuj Grover
"Comparative Analysis and Implementation of Single-ended Sense Amplifier Schemes using 65nm CMOS Technology" in 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2020). (Accepted)
- Mishal, Anuj Grover, Varshita Gupta
"A 0.47-1.17V 32KB Timing Speculative SRAM in 28nm HKMG CMOS" in 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2020). (Accepted)
- Aparna Mishra, Anuj Grover
" A 0.9V 64Mb 6T SRAM cell with Read and Write assist schemes in 65nm LSTP technology" 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2020) . (Accepted)
- Rahul Gupta, Mohammad S. Hashmi, Mohammad H. Maktoomi
"An Enhanced Frequency Ratio Dual Band Balun Augmented with High Impedance Transformation" in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. (Published)
- Rizwana Ahmad, Mohammad Dehghani Soltani, Majid Safari, Prof.Anand Srivastava
" Load Balancing of Hybrid LiFi WiFi Networks Using Reinforcement Learning" in IEEE PIMRC 2020. (Accepted)
- Rahul Madaan, Kanishk Rana, Arun Balaji Buduru
" Assessing risk of attacks in large networked system with Context Sensitive Probabilistic Modelling " in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020. (Selected)
- Smriti Singh
" ‘I can’t breathe’: George Floyd and the Black American Resistance" in Cafe Dissensus Everyday. (Published)
- Gayatri Nair, Paro Mishra, Anindita Majumdar
"Risk:Care:: Responsibility: Solidarity- Essential Labour during the COVID-19 Pandemic in India" in The Sociological Review. (Published)
- Ashutosh Vaish, Anubha Gupta, Ajit Rajwade
"MSR-HARDI: Accelerated Reconstruction of HARDI using Multiple Sparsity Regularizers" in IEEE ICIP 2020. (Accepted)
- Avik Dutta, Naman Gupta, Syamantak Das, Mukulika Maity
"MMRU-ALLOC: An Optimal Resource Allocation Framework for OFDMA in IEEE 802.11ax" in PIMRC 2020. (Accepted)
- Rizwana Ahmad, Anand Srivastava
"PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signal Through DFT Precoding and GMSK" in IEEE Access, 2020. (Accepted)
- R. Kaur, A.Gupta, A. Srivastava, B. C. Chatterjee, A. Mitra, B. Ramamurthy, V. A. Bohara
"Resource Allocation and QoS Guarantees for Real World IP traffic in Integrated XG-PON and IEEE802.11e EDCA Networks" in IEEE Access, 2020. (Accepted)
- Neha Jain, Nir Shlezinger, Yonina C. Eldar, Anubha Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Energy Harvesting vis Analog-to-digital conversion" in European signal processing conference (EUSIPCO), 2020. (Accepted)
- Vivek Dhar Dwivedi, Aditya Arya, Pardeep Yadav, Rajesh Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Gajendra P S Raghava
"DenvInD: dengue virus inhibitors database for clinical and molecular research" in Briefings in Bioinformatics 2020. (Published)
- Anjali Lathwal, Rajesh Kumar, Gajendra P.S.Raghava
"OvirusTdb: A database of oncolytic viruses for the advancement of therapeutics in cancer" in Science Direct 2020. (Published)
- Vaibhav Kumar, Tenzin Singhay Bhotia, Vaibhav Kumar, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Nurse is Closer to Woman than Surgeon? Mitigating Gender-Biased Proximities in Word Embeddings" in the journal of TACL 2020 (Accepted)
- Yumi Umesawa, Takesi Atsumi, Mrinmoy Chakrabarty, Reiko Fukatsu, Masakazu Ide.
"GABA concentration in the Left Ventral Premotor Cortex Associates with Sensory Hyper-responsiveness in Autism Spectrum Disorders Without Intellectual Disability" in Frontiers in Neuroscience, May 2020 (Published)
- Gurinder Singh, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Zilong Liu
"Comparison of PD-NOMA for RF and VLC based Vehicular Communication under Various Weather Conditions" in WWRF for presentaion (Accepted)
- J. Dunik, S. K. Biswas, A. G. Dempster, T. Pany, P. Closas
"State Estimation Methods: Overview and Application in Navigation" in IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine (Accepted)
- Subhabrata Dutta, Sarah Masud, Soumen Chakrabarti, Tanmoy Charaborty
"Deep Exogenous and Endogenous Influence Combination for Social Chatter Intensity Prediction" in ACM SIGKDD 2020. (Accepted)
- Masakazu Ide, Takesi Atsumi, Mrinmoy Chakrabarty, Ayako Yaguchi, Yumi Umesawa, Reiko Fukatsu, Makoto Wada
"Neural Basis of Extremely High Temporal Sensitivity: Insights From a Patient With Autism" in Frontiers in Neuroscience 2020. (Published)
- RajeshKumar, Anjali Lathwal, Vinod Kumar, Sumeet Patiyal, Pawan Kumar Raghav, Gajendra P.S.Raghava
"CancerEnD: A database of cancer associated enhancers" in Science Direct 2020. (Published)
- Anjali Lathwal, Rajesh Kumar, Gajendra PS Raghava
"Computer-aided designing of oncolytic viruses for overcoming translational challenges of cancer immunotherapy" in Science Direct 2020. (Published)
- Sherry Bhalla, Harpreet Kaur, Rishemjit Kaur, Suresh Sharma, Gajendra PS Raghava
"Expression based biomarkers and models to classify early and late-stage samples of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma" in PLOS ONE 2020. (Published)
- Arvind Iyer, Krishan Gupta, Shreya Sharma, Kishore Hari, Yi Fang Lee, Neevan Ramalingam, Yoon Sim Yap, Jay West, Ali Asgar Bhagat, Balaram Vishnu Subramani , Burhanuddin Sabuwala, Tuan Zea Tan, Jean Paul Thiery, Mohit Kumar Jolly, Naveen Ramalingam, Debarka Sengupta
"Integrative Analysis and Machine Learning based Characterization of Single Circulating Tumor Cells" in JCM 2020. (Published)
- Tanya Chowdhury, Sachin Kumar, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Neural Abstractive Summarization with Structural Attention" in IJCAI 2020. (Accepted)
- Mukherjee, Payel C.
"A meeting that never happened: Unheard dialogues between Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi" in Gandhi Marg Quarterly. (Published)
- Gaurav Arora, Sandip K. Agarwal
"Input-conditioned crop yield distributions and insurance adoption: Conceptual framework and empirical evidence from smallholder farms in semi-arid Indian villages", at Annual Meetings of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association . (Selected)
- Anuj Grover
"Diagnostic Circuit for Latent Fault Detection in SRAM Row Decoder", in ISQED 2020 . (Presented)
- Surabhi Garg, Munawar Hasan, Sweta Mishra, Donghoon Chang
"Cancelable Multi-biometric Approach using Fuzzy Extractor and Novel Bit-wise Encryption", in the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security 2020 . (Published)
- Neha Jain, Navneet Anand Sah, Vivek Ashok Bohara and Anubha Gupta
"Experimental Results for Energy Harvesting by exploiting inherent inadequacies of Sampling process for IoT application", in ICC 2020 . (Accepted)
- Mohd Hamza, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava, Gourab Ghatak
"Energy Efficiency Enhancement in FD MIMO Relay System through Adaptive Antenna Allocation and Self-Energy Recycling", in ICC 2020 . (Accepted)
- Sanat K. Biswas, Ediz Cetin
"GNSS Interference Source Tracking using Kalman Filters", at IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2020 . (Accepted)
- Yatin Sharma
"World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks", in IEEE WoWMoM 2020. (Accepted)
- Harpreet Kaur, Sherry Bhalla, Dilraj Kaur, Gajendra PS Raghava
"CancerLivER: a database of liver cancer gene expression resources and biomarkers", in Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2020. (Published)
- Mrinmoy Chakrabarty, Makoto Wada
"Perceptual effects of fast and automatic visual ensemble statistics from faces in individuals with typical development and autism spectrum conditions", in Scientific Reports, February 2020 [Nature Publishing Group]. (Published)
- Shiv Gehlot, Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta
"SDCT-AuxNet^θ: DCT Augmented Stain Deconvolutional CNN with Auxiliary Classifier for Cancer Diagnosis", at Medical Image Analysis, January 2020. (Accepted)
- Shiv Gehlot, Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta
"EDNFC-NET: Convolutional Neural Network with Nested Feature Concatenation for Nuclei-Instance Segmentation", IEEE ICASSP-2020. (Accepted)
- Sidhartha Sankar Rout, Akshat Singh, Suyog Patil, Mitali Sinha, Sujay Deb
"Security Threats in Channel Access Mechanism of Wireless NoC and Efficient Countermeasures", in ISCAS 2020. (Accepted)
- Mansi Saxena, Ekansh Sareen, Anubha Gupta
"Understanding Function Brain Activation using Source Localization of EEG Signals in Motor Imagery Tasks", at COMSNETS-NETHEALTH 2020. (Presented)
- Syesha Girdher, Anubha Gupta , Snehlata Jaswal and Vinayak Naik
"Predicting Human Response in Feature Binding Experiment Using EEG Data", at COMSNETS-NETHEALTH 2020. (Presented)
- Gurvinder Kaur, Vivek Ruhela, Lata Rani, Anubha Gupta, Krishnamachari Sriram, Ajay Gogia, Atul Sharma, Lalit Kumar, Ritu Gupta
"RNA-Seq profiling of deregulated miRs in CLL and their impact on clinical outcome", in Blood Cancer Journal. (Presented)
Jan 2019 - Dec 2019
- Akanksha Farswan, Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta, Gurvinder Kaur
"Imputation of gene expression data in blood cancer and its significance in inferring biological pathways", in the journal "Frontiers of Oncology". (Accepted)
- Khan, Aasim. SV, Shobha. & Chamuah, A.
"From Objectivity to Openness: A Study of Digital Journalism in the 2019 Elections", in the Economic and Political Weekly. (Published)
- Mohd Hamza, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Parag Aggarwal, Anand Srivastava
"Energy Efficiency Evaluation for Downlink Full-Duplex Nonlinear MU-MIMO-OFDM System with Self Energy Re-cycling", in IEEE Systems Journal. (Accepted)
- Kajal Kansal, A.V. Subramanyam, Zheng Wang, Shin'ichi Satoh.
"SDL: Spectrum-Disentangled Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification", at IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology . (Accepted)
- Gaurav Arora, Hongli Feng, Chris Anderson, David Hennessy
"Evidence of climate change impacts on crop comparative advantage and land use", in Agricultural Economics. (Published)
- Kiriti Kanjilal, Felix Munoz-Garcia
"Endogenous Equity Shares in Cournot Competition: Welfare Analysis and Policy", in B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. (Published)
- Mansi Peer, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anand Srivastava
"Real-World Spatio-Temporal Behavior Aware D2D Multicast Networks", in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. (Accepted)
- Gourab Ghatak
"Coverage Enhancement in Indoor Millimeter WaveSystems Under Random Human Blockages", in IEEE 2019. (Accepted)
- Jatin Arora, Manan Gupta, Aman Parnami
"Choose a lift and walk into it: Manifesting Choice Blindness in Real-life scenarios using immersive Virtual Reality", at UIST 2019. (Accepted)
- Aryan Saini, Kartik Mathur, Abhinav Thukral, Nishtha Singhal, Aman Parnami
"Aesop: Authoring Engaging Digital Storytelling Experiences", at UIST 2019. (Accepted)
- Radhika Ghosal, Bhavika Rana, Ishan Kapur, Aman Parnami
"Rapid Prototyping of Pneumatically Actuated Inflatable Structures", at UIST 2019. (Accepted)
- Jatin Arora, Kartik Mathur, Aryan Saini, and Aman Parnami
"Gehna: Exploring the Design Space of Jewelry as an Input Modality", in CHI 2019. (Accepted)
- Jatin Arora, Aryan Saini, Nirmita Mehra, Varnit Jain, Shwetank Shrey, and Aman Parnami
"VirtualBricks: Exploring a Scalable, Modular toolkit for Enabling Physical Manipulation in VR", in CHI 2019. (Accepted)
- Gurvinder Kaur, Ritu Gupta, Akanksha Farswan, Anubha Gupta, Sriram K.
"Inferring Biological Pathways in Multiple Myeloma after Missing Value Imputation", at the 17th International Myeloma Workshop. (Accepted)
- Ritu Gupta, Saswati Hazra, Gurleen Kaur, Anubha Gupta, Gurvinder Kaur, Atul Sharma, Omdutt Sharma, Lalit Kumar
"Modified Risk Stratification (MRS) for Multiple Myeloma A simplified Model using Machine Learning", at the 17th International Myeloma Workshop. (Accepted)
- Sumedha Shukla, Gaurav Arora
"Role of Formal and Informal Rural Credit on Crop Yield Distributions and Downside Risk", at 8th Tri-ennial International Conference on Agricultural Statistics. (Accepted)
- Himanshu Verma, Guillaume Pythoud, Grace Eden, Denis Lalanne, Florian Evéquoz
"Pedestrians and Visual Signs of Intent: Towards Expressive Autonomous Passenger Shuttles", in ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol 2019. (Published)
- Subhabrata Dutta, Gunkirat Kaur, Shreyans Mongia, Arpan Mukherjee, Dipankar Das, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Into the Battlefield: Quantifying and Modeling Intra-community Conflicts in Online Discussion", in CIKM 2019. (Published)
- Subhabrata Dutta, Dipankar Das, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Modeling Engagement Dynamics of Online Discussions using Relativistic Gravitational Theory", in ICDM 2019. (Published)
- Devika Sondhi, Rahul Purandare
"SEGATE: Unveiling Semantic Inconsistencies between Code and Specification of String Inputs", in ASE 2019. (Accepted)
- Sambhav Malhotra, M.S Hashmi
"Near-Field Wireless Power Transfer using Defected Ground Structures for UHF RFID Applications", in IEEE RFID-TA 2019. (Published)
- Kumar R, Nagpal G, Kumar V, Usmani SS, Agrawal P, Raghava GPS
"HumCFS: a database of fragile sites in human chromosomes", in BMC Genomics 2019. (Published)
- Ahmad S, Gromiha MM, Raghava GPS, Schönbach C, Ranganathan S.
"APBioNet's annual International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) returns to India in 2018", in BMC Genomics 2019. (Published)
- Agrawal P, Kumar S, Singh A, Raghava GPS, Singh IK
"NeuroPIpred: a tool to predict, design and scan insect neuropeptides", in Sci Rep 2019. (Published)
- Usmani SS, Agrawal P, Sehgal M, Patel PK, Raghava GPS
"ImmunoSPdb: an archive of immunosuppressive peptides", in Database (Oxford) 2019. (Published)
- Agrawal P, Singh H, Srivastava HK, Singh S, Kishore G, Raghava GPS
"Benchmarking of different molecular docking methods for protein-peptide docking", in BMC Bioinformatics 2019. (Published)
- A. Mongia, D. Sengupta, A. Majumdar
"McImpute: Matrix Completion Based Imputation for Single Cell RNA-seq Data.", Frontiers in Genetics 2019. (Published)
- Amith Manoharan, Mandeep Singh, Andrea Alessandretti, J.G. Manathara, S.C. Prusty, Nishant Mohanty, I.S. Kumar, Ashutosh Sahoo, P.B. Sujit
"NMPC Based Approach for Cooperative Target Defence", in ACC, Philadelphia 2019. (Presented)
- Sidhartha Sankar Rout, Suyog Bhimrao Patil, Vaibhav Ishwarlal Chaudhari, Sujay Deb
"Efficient Router Architecture for Trace Reduction During NoC Post-Silicon Validation", in the 32nd IEEE International SOCC 2019. (Accepted)
- Sidhartha Sankar Rout, Vaibhav Ishwarlal Chaudhari, Suyog Bhimrao Patil, Sujay Deb
"RCAS: Critical Load Based Ranking for Efficient Channel Allocation in Wireless NoC", in the 32nd IEEE International SOCC 2019. (Accepted)
- Piyush Agrawal, Sumeet Patiyal, Rajesh Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Harinder Singh, Pawan Kumar Raghav, Gajendra P S Raghava
"ccPDB 2.0: an updated version of datasets created and compiled from Protein Data Bank", in bay142 2019. (Published)
- D. Kaur, S. Patiyal, N. Sharma, S. S. Usmani, G.P.S Raghava
"PRRDB 2.0: a comprehensive database of pattern-recognition receptors and their ligands",Database, Volume 2019. (Published)
- Shiju S, K.Sriram
"Multiscale modeling of the circadian modulation of learning and memory", in PlosOne open access journal 2019. (Accepted)
- Suneet Sawant, Rohit Kumar, Manjesh Hanawal, Sumit Darak
"Learning to Coordinate in a Cognitive Radio Network in Presence of Jammers", in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2019. (Published)
- Sri Harsha Gade, M Meraj Ahmed, Sujay Deb, Amlan Ganguly
"Energy Efficient Chip-to-Chip Wireless Interconnection for Heterogeneous Architectures", in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 2019. (Accepted)
- Fabian Fagerholm, Christoph Becker, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Stefanie Betz, Leticia Duboc, Birgit Penzenstadler, Rahul Mohanani, Colin C. Venters
"Temporal Discounting in Software Engineering: A Replication Study", in ESEM 2019. (Accepted)
- Sumit Darak, Manjesh Hanawal
"Distributed Learning and Stable Orthogonalization in Ad-Hoc Networks with Heterogeneous Channels ", in IEEE JSAC 2019. (Published)
- Ashish Kumar Pandey
"The effects of surface tension on modulational instability in full-dispersion water-wave models", inEuropean Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 2019. (Published)
- Harpreet Singh, Ravneet Kaur, Abhilash Gangadharan, Ashish Kumar Pandey, Ashray Manur, Yao Sun, Satish Saluja, Shubham Gupta, Jonathan P. Palma, Praveen Kumar
"Neo-Bedside Monitoring Device for Integrated Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (iNICU)", in IEEE 2019. (Published)
- Jainendra Shukla, Miguel Barreda-Ángeles, Joan Oliver, G. C. Nandi, Domènec Puig
"Feature Extraction and Selection for Emotion Recognition from Electrodermal Activity", in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 2019. (Published)
- Manohar Kumar
"Transforming the public sphere: Whistleblowing and the new accountability", for the International Workshop 'Transformation of the Public Sphere' 2019. (Accepted)
- Mahika Wason, Sharmistha Swasti Gupta, Shriram Venkatraman, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
"Building Sociality Through Sharing: Seniors’ Perspectives on Misinformation", for WebSci'19 conference 2019. (Accepted)
- Aasim khan
"From Autonomy to Anonymity: Citizens' Right to Privacy and Indian Democracy in the Post-Snowden Era", for annual ECPR General Conference 2019. (Selected)
- Dattatreya Mohapatra, Abhishek Maiti, Sumit Bhatia, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Go Wide, Go Deep: Quantifying the Impact of Scientific Papers through Influence Dispersion Trees", JCDL 2019. (Accepted)
- Harish Fulara, Gursimran Singh, Dheryta Jaisinghani, Mukulika Maity, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Vinayak Naik.
"Learning to Rescue WiFi Networks from Unnecessary Active Scans", IEEE WoWMoM. (Accepted)
- Rahul Mohanani, Burak Turhan, Paul Ralph
"Requirements Framing Affects Design Creativity", in IEEE TSE 2019. (Accepted)
- Venkatraman, S. 2019. Social Media in South India (Tamil - Translation). London: UCL Press.
- Venkatraman, S. 2019. Social Media in South India (Hindi - Translation). London: UCL Press
- Miller, Daniel, Elisabetta Costa, Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Razvan Nicolescu, Jolynna Sinanan, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkatraman, and Xinyuan Wang. 2019. How the World Changed Social Media (Tamil - Translation). London: University College London Press.
- Miller, Daniel, Elisabetta Costa, Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Razvan Nicolescu, Jolynna Sinanan, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkatraman, and Xinyuan Wang. 2019. How the World Changed Social Media (Hindi - Translation). London: University College London Press.
- Shalin Verma, Dinesh Rano, Mohammad Hashmi
"A Novel Dual Band Defected Ground Structure for Short Range Wireless Power Transfer Applications", in WPW 2019. (Accepted)
- Tanya Shreedhar, Sanjit K. Kaul, Roy D. Yates
"An Age Control Transport Protocol for Delivering Fresh Updates in the Internet-of-Things", in WoWMoM 2019. (Accepted)
- Gaurav Arora, Gargi Gupta, Tushita Rathore, Saket Anand
"Socioeconomic and Biophysical Drivers of Cropland Use Intensification in India: Analysis using satellite data and administrative surveys", at AAEA Annual Meetings 2019. (Accepted)
- Kajal Kansal, A.V. Subramanyam
"HDRNet: Person Re-identification using Hybrid Sampling in Deep Reconstruction Network", in Journal of IEEE Access 2019. (Accepted)
- Gaurav Arora, David A Hennessy, Hongli Feng
"Past and future weather: Farmers’ perceptions and their roles in land use decisions", at AAEA Annual Meetings 2019. (Accepted)
- Kiriti Kanjilal, Gaurav Arora
"Characterizing behaviour in production decisions: The case of smallholder Indian farmers", at AAEA Annual Meetings 2019. (Accepted)
- Ruiqing Miao, David A Hennessy, Hongli Feng,Gaurav Arora, Charles Loesch
"Grassland Easement Acquisition: Conversion Hazard Rate and Spatial Spillover", at AAEA Annual Meetings 2019. (Accepted)
- Rohit Kumar, Sumit Darak, Manjesh Hanawal, Ankit Yadav
"Distributed Learning and Coordination in Cognitive Infrastructure-less Networks of Unknown Size", at IEEE Systems Journal 2019. (Accepted)
- Christoph Becker, Fabian Fagerholm, Rahul Mohanani, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou
"Temporal Discounting in Technical Debt: How do Software Practitioners Discount the Future?", in ICSE 2019 . (Accepted)
- Jatin Arora, Kartik Mathur, Aryan Saini, Aman Parnami
"Gehna: Exploring the Design Space of Jewelry as an Input Modality", in CHI 2019 . (Accepted)
- Shiju S, K.Sriram
"Hilbert transform based time series analysis of the circadian gene regulatory network", in IET System Biology open access journal 2019. (Accepted)
- Jatin Arora, Aryan Saini, Nirmita Mehra, Varnit Jain, Shwetank, Shrey, Aman Parnami
"VirtualBricks: Exploring a Scalable, Modular toolkit for Enabling Physical Manipulation in VR", in CHI 2019 . (Accepted)
- Vijay Sharma Sambhav Malhotra, Mohammad Hashmi
"Slot Resonator Based Novel Orientation Independent Chipless RFID Tag Configurations", IEEE Sensors Journal . (Accepted)
- Sudhesh Solomon, Srinivas P Y K L, Amitava Das, Björn Gambäck, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Understanding the Psycho-Sociological Facets of Homophily in Social Network Communities", in IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine . (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Sushil Jajodia, Prof. Jonathan Katz, Antonio Picariello, Giancarlo Sperlì, VS Subrahmanian
"A Fake Online Repository Generation Engine for Cyber Deception", IEEE TDSC . (Accepted)
- Kunal Saini, Kajal Kansal, A V Subramanyam
"Airborne Visual Tracking and Re-Identification System", in Journal of Electronic Imaging . (Accepted)
- Neha Jain, Anubha Gupta, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"TS-MC: Two stage matrix completion algorithm for wireless sensor network", in ICASSP, 2019 . (Accepted)
- Jainendra Shukla, Julián Cristiano, Joan Oliver, Domènec Puig
"Robot Assisted Interventions for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: Impact on Users and Caregivers", in IJSR . (Published)
- Abhishek Aggarwal, Nikhil Sachdeva, Raj Kamal Yadav, Vishaal Udandarao, Vrinda Mittal, Anubha Gupta, Abhinav Mathur
"EDUQA: Educational domain question answering system using conceptual network mapping", IEEE ICASSP, 2019 . (Accepted)
- Sanat K Biswas, Andrew Dempster
"Approximating Sample State Vectors using the ESPT for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering", at IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing . (Accepted)
- Nishtha Wadhwa, Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni, Sujay Deb, Pedro Barquinha
"Bootstrapping Circuit with IGZO TFTs for on-Chip Power Supply Generation", at ISCAS 2019. (Accepted)
- Milan Jain, Mridula Gupta, Amarjeet Singh, Vikas Chandan
"Beyond Refrigeration: Enabling Smart Thermostats for Leakage Detection", in UbiComp 2019. (Accepted)
- Rahul Mohanani, Iflaah Salman, Burak Turhan, Pilar Rodriguez, Paul Ralph
"Cognitive Biases in Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study", in ICSE 2019. (Accepted)
- Himani Joshi, Sumit J Darak, Anil Kumar, Rohit Kumar
"Throughput Optimized Non-Contiguous Wideband Spectrum Sensing via Online Learning and Sub-Nyquist Sampling", in IEEE WCL. (Accepted)
- Tavpritesh Sethi, Aditya Nagori, Lovedeep Dhingra, Ambika Bhatnagar, Rakesh Lodha.
"Prediction Hemodynamic Shock from Thermal Images using Machine Learning", is available online on Scientific Reports, a Nature Reseach Journal. (Published)
- Anupama Balotra, Mukulika Maity, Vinayak Naik
"An Empirical Evaluation of the COTS Air Pollution Masks in a Highly Polluted Real Environment", in IEEE WCL. (Accepted)
- Sanat K Biswas, Andrew G. Dempster
"GNSS-based spacecraft navigation in elliptical and High Earth Orbits using Single Propagation Unscented Kalman Filters", at Indian Control Conference 2019. (Accepted)
Jan 2018 - Dec 2018
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Ayush Agarwal, Noseong Park, V.S. Subrahmanian
"Ensemble Detection and Analysis of Communities in Complex Networks", in ACM Transactions on Data Science. (Accepted)
- Niharika Agrawal, Sumit Darak, Faouzi Bader
"New Spectrum Efficient Reconfigurable Filtered-OFDM Based L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communication System", in the journal IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. (Accepted)
- Devika Sondhi, Divya Rani, Rahul Purandare
"Similarities Across Libraries: Making a Case for Leveraging Test Suites", in the 12th IEEE ICST. (Accepted)
- Anubha Gupta, Pramit Mallick, Ojaswa Sharma, Ritu Gupta, Rahul Duggal
"PCSeg: Color Model Driven Probabilistic Multiphase Level Set based Tool for Plasma Cell Segmentation in Multiple Myeloma", in the journal PLOSOne, 2018. (Accepted)
- Manohar Kumar
"Understanding Emerging forms of Dissent: Civil Disobedience or Uncivil Action", in International Conference on Applied Ethics. (Accepted)
- Rohit Kumar, Sumit Darak, M. Hanawal
"Distributed Algorithm for Learning to Coordinate in Infrastructure-less Network", in IEEE Communications. (Accepted)
- Ankur Sharma, Elaine Yiqun Cao, Vibhor Kumar, Xiaoqian Zhang, Hui Sun Leong, Angeline Mei Lin Wong, Neeraja Ramakrishnan, Muhammad Hakimullah, Hui Min Vivian Teo, Fui Teen Chong, Shumei Chia, Matan Thangavelu Thangavelu, Xue Lin Kwang, Ruta Gupta, Jonathan R. Clark, Giridharan Periyasamy, N. Gopalakrishna Iyer, Ramanuj DasGupta
"Longitudinal single-cell RNA sequencing of patient-derived primary cells reveals drug-induced infidelity in stem cell hierarchy", in Nature Communications. (Published)
- H. Tibrewal, S. Patchala, M. Hanawal, Sumit Darak
"Distributed Learning and Optimal Assignment in Multiplayer Heterogeneous Networks", in IEEE INFOCOM 2019. (Accepted)
- Neha Jain, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anubha Gupta
"Sparse signal recovery and energy harvesting for potential 5G applications", in student research competition (SRC), ACM Mobicom core A* conference. (Awarded)
- Piyush Agrawal, Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava
"Prediction of Antimicrobial Potential of a Chemically Modified Peptide from its Tertiary Structure", in Frontiers in Microbiology, section Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy. (Published)
- Haroon Rashid, Nipun Batra, Pushpendra Singh
"RIMOR: Towards identifying anomalous appliances in buildings", ACM BuildSys 2018. (Presented)
- Haroon Rashid, Pushpendra Singh
"Monitor: An abnormality detection approach in buildings energy consumption", in IEEE-CIC 2018. (Presented)
- Aditya Chetan, Brihi Joshi, Hriday Dutta, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"CoReRank: Ranking to Detect Users Involved in Blackmarket-based Collusive Retweeting Activities", in 12th WSDM. (Accepted)
- Ankesh Anand, Kshitij Gorde, Joel Moniz, Noseong Park, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Bei-Tseng Chu
"Phishing URL Detection with Oversampling based on Text Generative Adversarial Networks", in IEEE BigData Conference. (Accepted)
- Tanya Chowdhury, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"CQASUMM: Building References for Community Question Answering Summarization Corpora", in CoDS-COMAD 2018. (Accepted)
- Sonu Gupta, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"MalReG: Detecting and Analyzing Malicious Retweeter Groups", in CoDS-COMAD 2018. (Accepted)
- Naushad Ansari, Anubha Gupta
"WNC-ECGlet: Weighted Non-Convex Minimization based Reconstruction of Compressively Transmitted ECG using ECGlet", in JBSPC, 2018. (Accepted)
- Shiv Gehlot, Simmi Mourya, Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta
"Classification of Normal versus Malignant Cells in B-ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)", in IEEE ISBI 2019. (Accepted)
- Neha Jain, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anubha Gupta
"iDEG: Integrated Data and Energy Gathering Framework for Practical Wireless Sensor Networks using Compressive Sensing", in IEEE Sensors Journal. (Accepted)
- Jijun Zhao, Bowen Bao, Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Eiji Oki, Jinhua Hu, Danping Ren
"Dispersion-based highest-modulation-first last-fit spectrum allocation scheme for elastic optical networks", in IEEE Access Journal, 2018. (Accepted)
- Gandharva Nagpal, Salman Sadaullah Usmani, Prof. G.P.S Raghava
"A Web Resource for Designing Subunit Vaccine Against Major Pathogenic Species of Bacteria", in Frontiers in Immunology. (Published)
- Akio Kawabata, Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Eiji Oki
"Participating-Domain Segmentation Based Server Selection Scheme in Delay-Sensitive Distributed Communication Approach", in the proceedings of IEEE NFV-SDN, 2018. (Accepted)
- Sri Harsha Gade, Shobha Sundar Ram, Sujay Deb
" Millimeter-wave wireless interconnects in deep submicron chips: Challenges and opportunities", in Integration, the VLSI Journal. (Accepted)
- Shalin Verma, Ekansh Sareen, Mohammad Hashmi
"A Miniaturized Dual-Band Right Triangle Defected Ground Structure Band Stop Filter (DGS-BSF) for Energy Harvesting Applications", in IMaRC 2018. (Accepted)
- Rahul Gupta, Mohammad A. Maktoomi, Mohammad S. Hashmi
"Dual-Band Wilkinson Power Divider with Port Extensions", in IMaRC 2018. (Accepted)
- Rahul Gupta, Vikas V. Singh, Mohammad S Hashmi
"High Impedance Transforming Dual-Band Wilkinson Power Divider", in IMaRC 2018. (Accepted)
- Antra Saxena, Deepayan Banerjee, Rahul Gupta, Mohammad S Hashmi
"Design of pi-Structure Dual-Band Matching Network With Unequal Susceptance Cancellation Stubs", in IMaRC 2018. (Accepted)
- Nishtha Wadhwa, Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni, Kamal Chapagai, Joao Goes, Sujay Deb, Pedro Barquinha
"6th Order Differential Sallen-and-Key Switched Capacitor LPF using a-IGZO TFTs", in IJCTA. (Accepted)
- Sidhartha Sankar Rout, Kanad Basu, Sujay Deb
"Efficient Post-Silicon Validation of Network-on-Chip using Wireless Links", in the 32nd VLSID 2019. (Accepted)
- Shelly Vishwakarma, Vahini Ummalaneni, Mohd. Shoaib Iqbal, Angshul Majumdar, Shobha Sundar Ram
"Mitigation of Through-wall Interference in Radar Images Using Denoising Autoencoders", at IEEE Radar Conference. (Presented)
- Akash Deep Singh, Shobha Sundar Ram, Shelly Vishwakarma
"Simulation of the Radar Cross-Section of Dynamic Human Motions Using Virtual Reality Data and Ray Tracing", at IEEE Radar Conference. (Presented)
- Parag Aggarwal, Dr Vivek Ashok Bohara
"End-to-End Theoretical Evaluation of a Nonlinear MIMO-OFDM System in the Presence of Digital Predistorter", in IEEE Systems Journal. (Accepted)
- Manoj Gulati, Dr Shobha Sundar Ram, Dr Amarjeet Singh
"CapHarvester: A Stick-on Capacitive Energy Harvester Using Stray Electric Field from AC Power Lines", in ACM UbiComp 2018. (Accepted)
- Venkata Ratnadeep Suri, Shaheen Majid, Schubert Foo, Dumaual Sibal, Trinity Hannah, Yun Ke Chang
"Understanding Health Literacy through the lens of Phronesis: The Case of Coronary Artery Disease Patients", will be presented in ECIL 2018. (Accepted)
- Takaaki Sawa, Fujun He, Takehiro Sato, Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Eiji Oki
"Defragmentation Using Reroutable Backup Paths in Toggled 1+1 Path Protected Elastic Optical Networks", in the proceedings of 24th APCC - 2018. (Accepted)
- Garvita Allabadi, Aritra Dhar, Ambreen Bashir, Rahul Purandare
"METIS: Resource- and Context-Aware Monitoring of Finite State Properties", in the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Runtime Verification. (Accepted)
- Dhriti Khanna, Subodh Sharma, César Rodríguez, Rahul Purandare
"Dynamic Symbolic Verification of MPI Programs", at 22nd International Symposium on Formal Methods. (Presented)
- Sanat K Biswas, Abhijit Mitra, Anand Srivastava
"Challenges in designing satellite constellation for providing uninterrupted network security through Quantum Key Distribution at a larger geographic region", in IAC. (Published)
- Manohar Kumar, Daniele Santoro
"Speaking Truth to Power. A Theory of Whistleblowing", in Springer 2018. (Published)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Eric Lancaster,V.S Subrahmanian
"MALTP: Parallel Prediction of Malicious Tweets", in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. (Accepted)
- S.S. Usmani, Sherry Bhalla, Prof. G.P.S. Raghava
"Prediction of Antitubercular Peptides From Sequence Information Using Ensemble Classifier and Hybrid Features", in Front. Pharmacol. (Published)
- Tanya Shreedhar,Sanjit K. Kaul, Roy D. Yates
"Poster: ACP: Age Control Protocol for Minimizing Age of Information over the Internet", in (POSTER) MobiCom 2018. (Accepted)
- Shalin Verma, Dinesh Rano, Mohammad Hashmi, Vivek Bohara
"A High Q Dual E-Shaped Defected Ground Structure for Wireless Power Transfer Application", in (APMC) - 2018. (Accepted)
- Neha Jain, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Anubha Gupta
"Sparse signal recovery and energy harvesting for potential 5G applications", in ACM Mobicom, 2018. (Accepted)
- Rahul Gupta, M. S. Hashmi
"High Impedance Transforming Simplified Balun Architecture in Microstrip Technology", in Wiley Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Accepted)
- Gajendra Raghava, Piyush Agarwal, Pawan Kumar Raghava, Sherry Bhalla, Neelam Sharma
"Overview of free software developed for designing drugs based on protein-small molecules interaction", in Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. (Published)
- Saif Ali, Gaurav Arora
"Sustainable groundwater utilization amidst agricultural intensification? An assessment of cropping decisions and groundwater levels in the Indo-Gangetic Plains ", in Global Water Security for Agriculture and Natural Resources Conference, 2018. (Accepted)
- Ankush Mamgain, Anuj Grover
"A 81nW Error Amplifier Design for Ultra Low Leakage Retention Mode Operation of 4Mb SRAM Array in 40nm LSTP Technology", in SOCC, 2018. (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Saptarshi Ghosh, Noseong Park
"Ensemble-based Overlapping Community Detection using Disjoint Community Structures", in Knowledge-Based Systems Journal. (Accepted)
- Sri Harsha Gade, Siddhartha Sankar Rout, Ravi Kashyap, Sujay Deb
"Reliability Analysis of On-Chip Wireless Links for Many-Core WNoCs", in XXXIII Conference on DCIS 2018 (Accepted)
- Gurinder Singh , Prof. Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"On Feasibility of VLC Based Car-to-Car Communication Under Solar Irradiance and Fog Conditions", in(C3VP), ACM MobiCom. (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Subhabrata Dutta, Dipankar Das
"How did the discussion go: Discourse act classification in social media conversations", in Springer. (Published)
- Vijay Sharma, Sambhav Malhotra, Mohammad Hashmi
"An Emerging Application Centric RFID Framework Based on New Web Technology", in IEEE International Conference on RFID-TA. (Accepted)
- Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Takehiro Sato and Eiji Oki
"Recent research progress on spectrum management approaches in software-defined elastic optical networks", in Optical Switching and Networking (Elsevier), 2018. (Accepted)
- Prof. G.P.S Raghava, Gandharva Nagpal, Kumardeep Chaudhary, Piyush Agrawal
"Computer-aided prediction of antigen presenting cell modulators for designing peptide-based vaccine adjuvants", in Journal of Translational Medicine. (Published)
- Anuradha Sharma, Tania Sidana
"On the structure and distances of repeated-root constacyclic codes over finite commutative chain rings", at IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. (Accepted)
- Naveen Gupta, Durgesh Kumar, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"A Novel User Selection and Resource Allocation Framework for Cooperative D2D Communication", at the IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 in Abu-Dhabi, UAE. (Accepted)
- Alvika Gautam, Sujit P.B, Srikanth Saripalli
"Vision Based Robust Autonomous Landing of a Quadrotor on a Moving Target", in International Symposium of experimental robotics (ISER is a single-track symposium focusing on presentations of the latest experimental research in robotics)to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Nov 5-8). (Accepted)
- Alvika Gautam, Ashwini Ratnoo, P.B Sujit
"Log Polynomial velocity profile for vertical landing", in Journal of Guidance control and dynamics. (Accepted)
- Hridoy Sankar Dutta, Aditya Chetan, Brihi Joshi, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Retweet Us, We Will Retweet You: Spotting Collusive Retweeters Involved in Blackmarket Services", in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2018). (Accepted)
- Kajal Kansal, A.V. Subramanyam
"Transfer Learning of Spatio-Temporal Information using 3D-CNN for Person Re-identification", in SMC (IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics) 2018. (Accepted)
- Mitali Sinha, Sri Harsha Gade, Wazir Singh, Sujay Deb
"Data-flow Aware CNN Accelerator with Hybrid Wireless Interconnection", in the 29th Annual IEEE International Conference on ASAP. (Accepted)
- Tanya Shreedhar, Nitinder Mohan, Sanjit K. Kaul, Jussi Kangasharju
"QAware: A Cross-Layer Approach to MPTCP Scheduling", at IFIP Networking 2018 (NETWORKING 2018). (Presented)
- N. Nalla Anandkumar, Mohammad Hashmi, Somitra Sanadhaya, N. Prem Laxman Das
"Reconfigurable Hardware Architecture for Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Over Binary Edwards Curve", at ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems. (Published)
- Nishtha Ra, Vaibhav Agarwal, Nishtha Wadhwa, Bhawna Tiwari, Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni
"Temperature Insensitive Low-Power Ring Oscillator using only n-type Transistors", at 22nd VDAT-2018. (Accepted)
- G.P.S. Raghava, Deepika Mathur, Sandeep Singh, Ayesha Mehta, Agarwal
"In silico approaches for predicting the half-life of natural and modified peptides in blood", in PLOS One. (Published)
- Nishtha Wadhwa, Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni, Sujay Deb
"A PVT Insensitive Low-power Differential Ring Oscillator", at 22nd VDAT-2018. (Accepted)
- Divyanshu Srivastava, Arvind Iyer, Vibhor Kumar Debarka Sengupta
"CellAtlasSearch: a scalable search engine for single cells", Nucleic Acids Research Journal. (Accepted)
- Vijay Sharma, Mohammad Hashmi
"Simple Chipless RFID Tag Configurations", in 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP). (Accepted)
- Vijay Sharma, Amogh Vithalkar, Mohammad Hashmi
"Power Saving Method in Chipless RFID Reader for IoT Applications", in 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP). (Accepted)
- Parag Aggarwal, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Analytical Characterization of Dual-Band Multi-User MIMO-OFDM System with Nonlinear Transmitter Constraints", in IEEE Transactions on Communications. (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Sushil Jajodia, Noseong Park, Andrea Pugliese, Edoardo Serra, V.S. Subrahmanian
"Hybrid Adversarial Defense: Merging Honeypots and Traditional Security Methods", at Journal of Computer Security. (Accepted)
- Nishtha Wadhwa, Pydi Bahubalindruni, Sujay Deb, Pedro Barquinha
"A Comparitive Study of On-Chip Clock Generators Using a-IGZO TFTs for Flexible Electronic Systems", at 1st IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC). (Accepted)
- Tejaswini Keragodu, Bhawna Tiwari, Nishtha, Pydi Bahubalindruni, Joao Goes, Pedro Barquinha
"A Voltage Controlled Oscillator Using IGZO Thin-Film Transistors", at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. (Accepted)
- Ankit Rehani, Sujay Deb, Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni, Bhavin Odedara, Srikanth Bojja
"A High-Efficient Current-Mode PWM DC-DC Buck Converter Using Dynamic Frequency Scaling", in IEEE conference ISVLSI 2018. (Accepted)
- Sri Harsha Gade, Hemanta Kumar Mondal, Sujay Deb
"High Bandwidth Off-Chip Memory Access Through Hybrid Switching and Inter-Chip Wireless Links", in IEEE conference ISVLSI 2018. (Accepted)
- Gaurav Arora, Peter T. Wolter
"Tracking land cover change along the western edge of the U.S. Corn Belt from 1984 through 2016 using satellite sensor data: observed trends and contributing factors", in Journal of Land Use Science, DOI:10.1080/1747423X.2018.1466001. (Published)
- Saheb Chhabra, Richa Singh, Mayank Vatsa, Gaurav Gupta
"Anonymizing k Facial Attributes via Adversarial Perturbations", in IJCAI, 2018. (Accepted)
- Vijay Sharma, Sambhav Malhotra, Mohd. Hashmi
"Orientation Independent Printable Backscattering Chipless RFID Tags Based on L- Resonator", in 48th European Microwave Conference 2018. (Accepted)
- G.P..S. Raghava, Vinod Kumar, Piyush Agarwal, Rajesh Kumar, Sherry Bhalla, Salman Sadullah Usmani, G.C. Varshney
"Prediction of Cell-Penetrating Potential of Modified Peptides Containing Natural and Chemically Modified Residues", in Frontier. (Published)
- Soumi Dutta, Kanav Mehra, Vibhash Chandra, Asit Kumar Das, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Saptarshi Ghosh
"Ensemble Algorithms for Microblog Summarization", in IEEE Intelligent Systems. (Accepted)
- Tomohiro Matsuno, Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Nattapong Kitsuwan, Eiji Oki, Malathi Veeraraghavan, Satoru Okamoto, Naoaki Yamanaka
"Designing a Hadoop System Based on Computational Resources and Network Delay for Wide Area Networks", in Telecommunication Systems (Springer), 2018. (Accepted)
- G.P.S Raghava, Salman Sadullah Usmani, Rajesh Kumar, Sherry Bhalla, Vinod Kumar
"In Silico Tools and Databases for Designing Peptide-Based Vaccine and Drugs", in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Elsevier. (Accepted)
- Aasim Khan, FaizUllah
"Populism in Digital India: Deliberative Politics and Policy of Online Access in Urban India, case of ‘Free Wi-Fi’ projects in three metropolitan cities", in ICA 2018. (Accepted)
- Aasim Khan
" From a New World Information Order to ‘Swing State’: Ideas and interests in India’s Internet policy agenda", in IAMCR 2018. (Accepted)
- Pushpendra Singh, Prabha S. Chandra , Soumya Parameshwaran, Veena A. Satyanarayana, Meiya Varghese, Lauren Liberti , Mona Duggal, Sangchoon Jeon, Nancy R. Reynolds
" I have no peace of mind—psychosocial distress expressed by rural women living with HIV in India as part of a mobile health intervention—a qualitative study", in Archives of Women's Mental Health Journal. (Accepted)
- Aasim Khan, Zoya Khan, Gaurav Arora
" Online Communications and Urban Environmental Policy in India: A case study from Delhi's air pollution crisis in 2016", at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, IAMCR 2018. (Accepted)
- G.P.S. Raghava
"AntiTbPdb: a knowledgebase of anti-tubercular peptides", in the DATABASE Journal. (Published)
- Ridhi Jain, Sai Prathik SB, Venkatesh Vinayakarao, Rahul Purandare
"A Search System for Mathematical Expressions on Software Binaries", in MSR '18. (Published)
- G.P.S. Raghava, Piyush Agarwal, Sherry Bhalla, Kumardeep Chaudhary, Rajesh Kumar, Meenu Sharma
"In Silico Approach for Prediction of Antifungal Peptides", in Frontiers in Microbiology. (Published)
- D. Sengupta
"Book Chapter - Pathway Informatics", in the reputed journal Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Elsevie.r. (Published)
- Ishant Shanu, Chetan Arora, S.N. Maheshwari
" Inference in Higher Order MRF-MAP Problems with Small and Large Cliques", in the CVPR 2018. (Published)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Zhe Cui, Noseong Park
"Metadata vs. Ground-truth: A Myth behind the Evolution of Community Detection Methods", in The Web Conference (WWW). (Accepted)
- Tanya Chowdhury, Aashay Mittal, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"VIZ-Wiki: Generating Visual Summaries to Factoid Threads in Community Question Answering Services", in The Web Conference (WWW). (Accepted)
- Prerna Agarwal, Richa Verma, Ayush Agarwal, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"DyPerm: Maximizing Permanence for Dynamic Community Detection", in PAKDD. (Accepted)
- Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Seydou Ba, Eiji Oki
"Fragmentation Problems and Defragmentation Approaches in Elastic Optical Networks: A Survey", in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2017. (Published)
- Charu Sood, Ankur Gautam, Deepika Mathur, Ayesha Mehta, Priyanka Firmal, Gursimran Bedi, G.P.S. Raghava
"TopicalPdb: A database of topically delivered peptides", in PlosOne on 12th Feb. (Published)
- Akio Kawabata, Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Seydou Ba, Eiji Oki
"Delay-Sensitive Distributed Processing Communication Scheme for Real-time Applications at Multiple Locations", in IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 20235-20248, 2017. (Published)
- Anuradha Sharma, Varsha Chauhan, Harshdeep
"Multi-twisted codes over finite fields and their dual codes", in the Journal Finite Fields. (Accepted)
- Naushad Ansari, Anubha Gupta
"Statistical Learning of Rational Wavelet Transform for Natural Images", in ICASSP. (Accepted)
- Ashok Kumar Pradhan, Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Eiji Oki, Tanmay De
"Knapsack based Multicast Traffic Grooming for Optical Networks", in Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 27, pp. 40-49, 2018. (Published)
- Sri Harsha Gade, Sidhartha Sankar Rout, Mitali Sinha, Hemanta Kumar Mondal, Wazir Singh, Sujay Deb
"A Utilization Aware Robust Channel Access Mechanism for Wireless NoCs", in the IEEE ISCAS 2018. (Accepted)
- Akshay Kumar
"Progressive Positive Cognitive Reasoning Therapy (PPCRT): A novel therapy for treatment of Anxiety", by American Psychological Association. (Accepted)
- Sandipan Sikdar, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Soumya Sarkar, Niloy Ganguly, Animesh Mukherjee
"ComPAS: Community Preserving Sampling for Streaming Graphs", in AAMAS'18. (Accepted)
- Fujun He, Takehiro Sato, Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, Takashi Kurimoto, Shigeo Urushidani, Eiji Oki
"Robust Optimization Model for Backup Resource Allocation in Cloud Provider", in IEEE ICC 2018, to be held at Kansas City, MO, USA. (Accepted)
- Parag Aggarwal, Farah Jabin, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Nonlinear Amplification Effects on Dual Band Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Systems", in IEEE ICC 2018, to be held at Kansas City, MO, USA. (Accepted)
- Debarka Sengupta, Debjyoti Sinha, Akhilesh Kumar, Himanshu Kumar and Sanghamitra Bandhopadhyay
"dropClust: Efficient clustering of ultra-large scRNA-seq data", in Nucleic Acids Research. (Published)
- Akshay Kumar
"Progressive Positive Cognitive Reasoning Therapy (PPCRT) for Anxiety: A New Therapeutic Approach", at Fourth International Conference on ERPBSS-2018 held at the Middlesex University. The paper has been published in the conference proceedings and also accepted for publication in the 'International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion,' . (Presented)
Jan 2017 - Dec 2017
- Shiju S, K.Sriram
"A multiscale model explains the circadian phase-dependent firing pattern variations in Suprachiasmatic nuclei and the occurrence of stochastic resonance", in 10th International Conference on BICOB-2018. (Accepted)
- Siddhartha Sankar Rout, Hemanta Kumar Mondal, Rohan Juneja, Sri Harsha Gade and Sujay Deb
"Dynamic NoC Platform for Varied Application Needs", in ISQED 2018. (Accepted)
- Sujay Deb, Shrestha Bansal, Hemanta Kumar Mondal, Sri Harsha Gade
"Energy Efficient NoC Router for High Throughput Applications in Many-core GPUs", at IEEE iNIS 2017 conference. (Awarded)
- Gaurav Arora, Xiadong Du, David A. Hennessy and Hongli Feng
"LAND RESILIENCE AND TAIL DEPENDENCE AMONG CROP YIELD DISTRIBUTIONS", in American Journal of Agricultural Economics. (Published)
- Srishti Gupta, Abhinav Khattar, Arpit Gogia, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Collective classification of spam campaigners on Twitter: A meta-path based approach", in WWW'18 (Accepted)
- Sanat K Biswas, Ben Southwell, Andrew Dempster
"Performance analysis of Fast Unscented Kalman Filters for Attitude Determination", for presentation at the International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamic Systems, February 2018, hosted by APJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex, Hyderabad. (Accepted)
- Chakit Arora, Anjali Lathwal, Subhadip Raychaudhuri
"A Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Bcl-2 Family Members: Targeted Cancer Therapeutics", at ICTS campus .
- Vivek Bohara, Parag Agarwal, Ankita Agarwal
"On the Spectral Content of the Nonlinearly Amplifier Carrier Aggregated OFDM Systems", at Barcelona, Spain. (Accepted)
- Vivek Bohara, Siddharth Sharma, Naveen Gupta
"Insight from the Measurement Results for Adaptive and Cooperative D2D Communication Framework", at Barcelona, Spain. (Accepted)
- Vijay Sharma, Amogh Vithalkar, Mohammad Hashmi
"Lightweight Security Protocol for Chipless RFID in the Internet of Things (IoT) Applications", in 10th International Conference on COMSNETS. (Accepted)
- Gaurav Arora, Hongli Feng , David A. Hennessy and Peter T. Wolter
"Conservation Easement Acquisitions Amidst Localized Spillover Effects in Grassland Conversions: Analysis using Remotely-Sensed Data", in Winter School 2017, Delhi School of Economics. (Accepted)
- Gaurav Arora, Aasim Khan
"Online Public Debate and Urban Environmental Policy: Twitter and policy framing during the Odd-Even scheme in Delhi", in Urban Annual Research Conference 2018, Indian Institute of Human Settlements. (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty
"Role of Interdisciplinarity in Computer Sciences: Quantification, Impact and Life Trajectory", in Scientometrics. (Accepted)
- Anuradha Sharma, Taranjot Kaur
"Enumeration of complementary-dual cyclic $\mathbb{F}_{q}$-linear $\mathbb{F}_{q^t}$-codes", in the journal Discrete Mathematics. (Accepted)
- Piyush Kumar Sharma, Chaitanya Kumar, Aneesh Dogra, Vinayak Naik, H. B. Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty
"SiegeBreaker : SDN based decoy routing system", in ACSAC . (Accepted)
- Devashish Gosain, Anshika Agarawal, Sahil Shekhawat, H.B. Acharya,Sambuddho Chakravarty
"Mending Wall: On the Implementation of Censorship in India", at Securecomm 2017. (Awarded)
- Akshay Kumar
"Progressive Positive Cognitive Reasoning Therapy (PPCRT) for Anxiety: A New Therapeutic Approach", in Fourth International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. (Accepted)
- Ganesh Bagler's Research Group
"FlavorDB: A database of flavor molecules', Nucleic Acids Research, gkx957, (2017)", in Nucleic Acids Research (Oxford University Press). (Accepted)
- Akshay Jain, Alexander Fell, Saket Anand
"A Parallel Architecture for High Frame Rate Stereo using Semi-Global Matching", by BMVC (British Machine Vision Conference 2017). (Awarded)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Ratnadeep Dey, Anurag Roy, Saptarshi Ghosh
"Sleeping Beauties in Computer Science: Characterization and Early Identification", in Scientometrics Journal. (Accepted)
- Mohammad H. Maktoomi, Rahul Gupta, Mohammad A. Maktoomi, Mohammad S. Hashmi
- Mohammad Hashmi, M. Hedayat, D. Banerjee
"An Enhanced Frequency-Ratio Coupled-Line Dual-Frequency Wilkinson Power Divider", in EEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II. (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chhakraborty
"EC3: Combining Clustering and Classification for Ensemble Learning", in IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2017). (Accepted)
- Sumit Darak, Niharika Aggarwal
"Reconfigurable Filtered OFDM Waveform for Next Generation Air-to-Ground Communications", at 36th IEEE DASC Conference, Florida USA. (Awarded)
- Jyoti Maggu, Angshul Majumdar
"Greedy Deep Transform Learning", at ICIP'17. (Presented)
- Priya Aggarwal, Anubha Gupta, Ajay Garg
"Multivariate brain network graph identification in functional MRI", in Medical Image Analysis. (Accepted)
- Deepayan Banerjee, Antra Saxena, M.S Hashmi
"A Novel Compact Tri-band Matching Network With Enhanced Frequency Ratios", in IEEE MTT - S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC). (Accepted)
- Deepayan Banerjee, Dinesh Rano, M.S Hashmi
"A Miniaturized Three-Stage Dual-Frequency Matching Network", in IEEE MTT - S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC) (Accepted)
- Hemanta Kumar Mondal, Shri Gade Harsha , Shashwat Kaushik, Sujay Deb
"Adaptive Multi-Voltage Scaling with Utilization Prediction for Energy-efficient Wireless NoC", in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (TSUSC). (Accepted)
- Hemanta Kumar Mondal, Shashwat Kaushik, Muni Agrawal, Shri. Harsha Gade, Sujay Deb
"Path Loss-aware Adaptive Transmission Power Control Scheme for Energy-efficient Wireless NoC", in IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Boston, MA, USA. (Accepted)
- Vijay Sharma, MS Hashmi
"Chipless RFID Tag-Based on Open-Loop Resonator", in the 29th IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). (Accepted)
- Devashish Gosain, H. B. Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty
"Few Throats to Choke: On the Current Structure of the Internet.", in Proceedings of LCN 2017. (Accepted)
- Devashish Gosain, Hanshika Agarwal, Sahil Shekhawat, H. B Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty
"Mending Wall: On the Implementation of Censorship in India.", in Proceedings of SecureComm 2017. (Accepted)
- Devashish Gosain,Anshika Agarwal, H. B. Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty
"Devil’s in The Details: Placing Decoy Routers in the Internet", in Proceedings of ACSAC 2017. (Accepted)
- H. B. Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty, Devashish Gosain
"Few Throats to Choke: On the Current Structure of the Internet", in proceedings of LCN 2017. (Accepted)
- Devashish Gosain, Anshika Agarwal, Sahil Shekhawat, H. B Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty
"Mending Wall: On the Implementation of Censorship in India", in proceedings of SecureComm 2017. (Accepted)
- Devashish Gosain, Anshika Agarwal, Sahil Shekhawat, H. B Acharya, Sambuddho Chakravarty
"Devil's in The Details: Placing Decoy Routers in the Internet", in proceedings of ACSAC 2017. (Accepted)
- Vijay Sharma, MS Hashmi
"Chipless RFID Tag-Based on Open-Loop Resonator", in the 29th IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). (Accepted)
- Md. Hedayatullah Maktoomi, M.S Hashmi
"An Enhanced Frequency-Ratio Coupled-Line Dual-Frequency Wilkinson Power Divider", in Transactions in Circuits and Systems-II (TCAS-II). (Accepted)
- Parag Aggarwal, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"On the Multi-Band Carrier Aggregated Nonlinear LTE-A System", in IEEE Access Journal. (Accepted)
- Shalin Verma, Dinesh Rano and Mohammad Hashmi
"A Novel Miniaturized Band Stop Filter Using Fractal Type Defected Ground Structure (DGS)", in APMC 2017. (Accepted)
- Rahul Gupta, Anuradha Ahlawat, Mohammad S. Hashmi
"Wideband Phase Shifter with Stub Loaded Transmission Line", in IEEE APMC 2017. (Accepted)
- Rahul Gupta, Antra Saxena, Ayatullah Maktoomi, Mohammad S. Hashmi
"A High Impedance Transformation Ratio Dual-Band Matching Network with DC Isolation Capability", in IEEE APMC 2017. (Accepted)
- Mukulika Maity, Bhaskaran Raman, Mythili Vutukuru, Avinash Chaurasia, Rachit Srivastava
"Witals: AP-centric Health Diagnosis of WiFi Networks", in an upcoming issue of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile. (Accepted)
- Mansi Peer, Vivek Ashok Bohara and Anand Srivastava
" On the Performance of Network-Assisted Indoor Device-to-Device Communication Using Location Awareness and Realistic Path Loss Models", in the IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). (Published)
- Tav Pritesh Sethi
" Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science Roadmap", in Springer's Guide to Big Data Applications. (Published)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Fabio Pierazzi and V.S. Subrahmanian
" EC2: Ensemble Clustering and Classification for Predicting Android Malware Families", in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC). (Accepted)
- Naveen Gupta and Dr Vivek Ashok Bohara
"OFDMA Based Angle-Constrained Underlay Device-to-Device Communication", at the IEEE GLOBECOM. (Accepted)
- Ambuj Mehrish, A.V Subramanyam, Mohan Kankanhalli
"Multimedia Signatures for Vehicle Forensics", in The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME). (Accepted)
- Harsha Gade, Sakshi Garg and Sujay Deb
"OFDM based High Data Rate, Fading Resilient Transceiver for Wireless Networks-on-Chip", at IEEE Computer Society Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). (Presented)
- Samrith Ram
"The number of linear transformations defined on a subspace with given invariant factors", in Journal of Linear Algebra and its Applications. (Published)
- Akashdeep Singh, Shelly Vishwakarma, Shobha Sundar Ram
"Co-Channel Interference Between WiFi and Through-Wall Micro-Doppler Radar", at IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, USA. (Presented)
- Shelly Vishwakarma and Shobha Sundar Ram
"Dictionary Learning for Classification of Indoor Micro-Doppler Signatures Across Multiple Carriers", at IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, USA. (Presented)
- Naveen Gupta and Vivek Ashok Bohara
"Rate and Outage Trade-offs for OFDMA based Device to Device Communication Frameworks", in the IEEE Access as a Journal paper submissions. (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Tushar Maheshwari, Aishwarya N. Reganti, Upendra Kumar, Amitava Das
"Revealing Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Communities in Social Networks", in IEEE Intelligent Systems. (Accepted)
- Rohit Kumar and Sumit Darak
"Channel Selection for Secondary Users in Decentralized Network of Unknown Size", in IEEE Communications Letters. (Accepted)
- Pydi Ganga, Jorge Martins, Asal Kiazadeh , Ana Rovisco , Pedro Barquinha , Rodrigro Martins and Elvira Fortunato
"Bias Stress and Temperature Impact on InGaZnO TFTs and Circuits", in Journal-Materials. (Accepted)
- Rajendra Nayak , Iman Kainpoor , Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni
"Low-Power ring Oscillator for IoT applications ", in Analog Integrated circuits signal processing Journal. (Accepted)
- Monika Gupta, Allahbaksh Asadullah, Srinivas Padmanabhuni and Alexander Serebrenik
"Reducing User Input Requests to Improve IT Support Ticket Resolution Process", in Empirical Software Engineering. (Accepted)
- Tanmoy Chakraborty and Subrata Nandi
"Universal Trajectories of Scientific Success", in Knowledge and Information System (KAIS) Journal. (Accepted)
- G.P.S. Raghava
"CancerPDF: A repository of cancer-associated peptidome found in human biofluids" and "Anticancer properties of a defensin like class IId bacteriocin Laterosporulin10", in Nature (Journal). (Published)
- Akshay Kumar, Swasti. S. V
"Efficacy of Positive Psychology Base mindfulness CBT in adults with Generalized anxiety Disorder", in International Journal of Medical and health Sciences. 6(1).27-33. ISSN:2277-4505. (Published)
- Shiju S, K.Sriram
"Hypothesis-driven single cell dual oscillator mathematical model of circadian rhythms", in PLOS ONE open access journal. (Published)
- Hemanta Kumar Mondal, Shashwat Kaushik , Sri Harsha Gade, Sujay Deb
"Energy-Efficient Transceiver for Wireless NoC. presented In VLSI Design 2017 conference", in IEEE explore. (Accepted)
- Anuradha Sharma, Taranjot Kaur
"Enumeration formulae for self-dual, self-orthogonal and complementary-dual quasi-cyclic codes over finite fields", in the journal Cryptography and Communications. (Accepted)
- Anuradha Sharma, Saroj Rani
"Trace description and Hamming weights of irreducible constacyclic codes", in the journal Advances in Mathematics of Communications. (Accepted)
- Anuradha Sharma, Taranjot Kaur
"Constacyclic additive codes over finite fields", in International Journal of Information and Coding Theory. (Accepted)
- Anuradha Sharma, Amit Kumar Sharma
"Byte weight enumerators of codes over GF(p) and modular forms over a totally real field", in International Journal of Information and Coding Theory. (Accepted)
- Anuradha Sharma, Taranjot Kaur
"On cyclic GF(q)-linear GF(q^t)-codes", in International Journal of Information and Coding Theory. (Accepted)
- Ankita Likhyani, Srikanta Bedathur and Deepak Padmanabhan
"LoCaTe: Influence Quantification for Location Promotion in Location-based Social Networks", in IJCAI. (Accepted)
- Parag Aggarwal, Vivek Ashok Bohara
"A Nonlinear Downlink Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Systems", in IEEE Wireless Communications. (Accepted)
- Rahul Badhwar and Ganesh Bagler
"Robust sigmoidal control response of C. elegans neuronal network", in International Joint Conference on Rough Sets to be held at Olsztyn, Poland in July 2017. (Accepted)
- Alvika Gautam, P.B Sujit, Srikanth Saripalli
"Autonomous Quadrotor Landing Using Vision and Pursuit Guidance", in 20th IFAC World Congress 2017. (Accepted)
- Gajendra Raghava,
"Gene expression-based biomarkers for discriminating early and late stage of clear cell renal cancer", in Scientific Reports 2017. (Accepted)
- Gajendra Raghava,
"Computer-aided designing of immunosuppressive peptides based on IL-10 inducing potential", in Scientific Reports 2017. (Accepted)
- Hemanta Kumar Mondal,
"P2NoC: Power and Performance-aware Network-on-Chip Architecture for Multi-core Systems" at Doctoral Symposium in Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland. (Presented)
- Milan Jain, Amarjeet Singh and Vikas Chandan
"Portable+: A Ubiquitous and Smart Way Towards Comfortable Energy Savings" in UbiComp 2017 -Core A*. (Accepted)
- Gaurav Goswami, Mayank Vatsa and Richa Singh
"Face Verification via Learned Representation on Feature-Rich Video Frames" in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. (Accepted)
- Naman Gupta, Anmol Singh and Sachit Butail
"The effect of instructional priming on postural responses to virtual crowds" in VHCIE@IEEEVR2017. (Accepted)
- Siddharth Dawar, Vikram Goyal and Debajyoti Bera
"A hybrid framework for mining high-utility itemsets in a sparse transaction database" in Applied Intelligence Journal. (Accepted)
- Wazir Singh, Yatharth Gupta, Paritosh Jivani and Sujay Deb
"Energy Efficient Biopotential Acquisition Unit for Wearable Health Monitoring Applications" in ISQED-2017. (Presented)
- Debajyoti Sinha, Debarka Sengupta, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay,
"ParSel: Parallel Selection of Micro-RNAs for Survival Classification in Cancers", in Molecular Informatics. 2017
- Huipeng Li, Elise T Courtois, Debarka Sengupta et. al.,
"Reference component analysis of single-cell transcriptomes elucidates cellular heterogeneity in human colorectal tumors", in Nature Genetics. 2017
- Ojaswa Sharma and Nidhi Agarwal
"Signed Distance based 3D Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Planar Cross-sections", in Computers & Graphics (CAG). 2017
- Ganesh Bagler, Vandana Ravindran, and Sunitha V.
"Identification of critical regulatory genes in cancer signaling network using controllability analysis" at Physica A
- Rahul Gupta, Ajay P. Yadav and Mohammad S. Hashmi
"Symmetric Tri-band Balun Architecture with a Systematic Design Procedure" at NCC 2017, Chennai, India
- Shikha Singh and Dr Angshul Majumdar
"Deep Sparse Coding for Non Intrusive Load Monitoring" in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
Jan 2016 - Dec 2016
- S. S. Ram and A. Majumdar
"Through-wall Propagation Effects on Doppler-enhanced Frontal Radar Images of Humans", in IEEE RadarCon, 2016.
- A. Gupta and S.D.Joshi
“Connection between DCT and Discrete-time Fractional Brownian motion", DCC 2016, USA, March 2016. Poster Paper, Accepted as 1-page paper (Core A* Conference).
- Y. Poleg, A. Ephrat, S. Peleg and C. Arora
“Compact CNN for Indexing Egocentric Videos” in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), January 2016.
- Y. D. Mishra, and M. S. Hashmi
“Power Integrity Simulation of High Speed I/O", in IEEE 29th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID), Kolkata, Jan 2016.
- S. Singh, and M. S. Hashmi
“Exploring Fractional Order Elements for Single and Dual Band Impedance Matching for RF Applications", in IEEE 11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM 2016), 5 pp., IISc Bangalore.
- D. Arora, and M. S. Hashmi
“A High Speed Low Voltage Latch Type Sense Amplifier for Non-Volatile Memories", in IEEE 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2016), 6 pp., IIT Guwahati.
- R. Alessandro, P. B. Sujit, A. P. Aguiar, and J. Sousa
“Optimal UAV Rendezvous on a UGV”, in AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, p. 0895, 2016.
- S. Singh and P.B. Sujit
“Landmark based path planning in GPS denied areas”, in IFAC ACODS, Feb 2016.
- M. Jain, N. Kumar, S. Deb, & A. Majumdar
“A Sparse Regression-based Approach for Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement”, in 41st IEEE International conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP), March 2016.
Jan 2015 - Dec 2015
- A. Fell, R. Narayan, S. K. Nandy
“A Deterministic, Minimal Routing Algorithm for a Toroidal, Rectangular Honeycomb Topology Using a 2-tupled Relative Address", in 28th IEEE International System-On-Chip Conference (SOCC) 2015. Pp. 191 – 196.
- P. Kumar and A. Srivastava
"Receiver Sensitivity Improvement of OFDM‐FSO link using SRM device" in IEEE International Conference on Advance Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS‐2015), December 15‐18, 2015, ISI Kolkata, India. Pp. 1 – 6. URL:
- P. Kumar and A. Srivastava
"Enhanced Performance of FSO Link using OFDM and Comparison with Traditional TDM-FSO Link" in IEEE International Broadband and Photonics (IBP- 2015) Conference, April 22--‐24, 2015, Bali, Indonesia. Pp. 65 – 70. URL:
- A. Majumdar and R. K. Ward
"Learning Space-Time Dictionaries for Blind Compressed Sensing Dynamic MRI Reconstruction", in IEEE ICIP 2015. Top 10% of accepted papers.
- A. Majumdar
"Frontal Face Recognition from Video via Rank-Aware Multiple Measurement Vector Recovery", in IEEE DSP 2015.
- A. Majumdar
"Discriminative Label Consistent Dictionary Learning", in IEEE ICIP 2015.
- S. Singh, C. Arora, and C.V. Jawahar
“Generic Action Recognition from Egocentric Videos” in Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), December 2015.
- Y. Poleg, T. Halperin, C. Arora, and S. Peleg
“EgoSampling: Fast-Forward and Stereo for Egocentric Videos” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2015.
- D. Chang, S. M. R., S. K. Sanadhya
“PPAE: Practical Parazoa Authenticated Encryption Family”. ProvSec 2015: pp.198-211.
- S. Mondal, and M. S. Hashmi
“An Analytical Technique for Transformer based Impedance Matching", in IEEE 5th Applied Electromagnetic Conference (AEMC), IIT Guwahati, Dec. 2015.
- G. Arora, M. S. Hashmi, and A. Q. Ansari
“Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier (CDBA) based Current Mode Universal Fractional Order Filter", in National Conference on Microelectronics and Communications, BITS Pilani, Nov. 2015.
- O. Sharma, and R. Tharayil
"Shape-aware MLS deformation for line handles", in SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs, p. 20. ACM, 2015.
- S. S. Ram
“Doppler enhanced frontal radar images of multiple human activities”, in IEEE Radar Conference 2015.
- N. Bagheri, N. G. Bardeh, S. K. Sanadhya
“Differential fault analysis of SHA-3”, in Indocrypt 2015, December 6-10, 2015, Bangalore, India. LNCS Springer. CORE B.
- V. K. Sharma, J. N. Tripathi, R. Nagpal, S. Deb, R.Malik
“Estimation of inter-symbol interference using clock pattern”, in 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), 2015, pp.1409-1412.
- S. J. Darak, H. Zhang, J. Palicot and C. Moy
“Compute-Efficient Decision Making Policy for D2D Communications and RF Energy Harvesting in Cognitive Radio Networks: Go Bayesian!”, in 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pp. 1236-1240, Nice, France, Aug. 2015.
- R. Ali, V. Gunturi, S. Shekhar, A. Eldawy, M. Mokbel, A. Kotz and W. Northrop
“Future Connected Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities for Spatio-temporal Computing”, in proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACM 2015.
- V. Goyal, A. Sureka
“Efficient Skyline Itemset Mining”, collocated with 19th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium 2015, 119-124, Regular Research paper, (Code of this algorithm has now been integrated to SPMF Data mining Library and is available at
- J. Barua, D. Patel, V. Goyal
“TiDE: Template-Independent Discourse Data Extraction” Accepted at 17th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, 2015, pp. 149-162
Last updated: 24-03-2025