RF and Applied Electromagnetics Lab
The RF and Applied Electromagnetics Lab (304, Lecture Hall Complex) is equipped with high frequency instruments and tools to explore the RF and Applied Electromagnetics field. Some licensed software are also available to design the high frequency antennas and fabricate as well using PCB fabrication machine. This lab acts as a research lab to research scholars, research associates and interns, and also as a course lab for thesis and course projects. This website provides information about the research and development activities and achievements of its associated research groups and students. Main Research areas of the lab include understanding of high frequency devices, Antenna theory concepts and design fields. Its goal is to become a leading research and development group in the RF and Applied Electromagnetics Engineering.
- Antennas Theory and Design
- Field and Waves
- RF Circuit Design
- Radar Systems
- Horn Antennas
- Vector Signal Analyzer
- Fieldfox Vector Network Analyzer
- Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Signal Analyzers and Generators
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Microwave Bench and Trainer Kits
- LPKF PCB Prototype Machine
- Ansys HFSS
- CST Studio Suite
- Advanced Design System (ADS)
- IE3D- Scalable EM Simulation Solution
Important Links
Research and Course Projects
- Band Branch-Line Hybrid with Distinct Power Division Ratio Over the Two Bands
- Dual-Band Branch Line Coupler With Large Power Division Ratios
- Coupled Transmission Lines as Impedance Transformer
- Dual-Band Impedance Transformer Using Two-Section Shunt Stubs
- A Compact Pi-Structure Dual Band Transformer
- A new design strategy for multi frequencies passive matching networks
- A 10:1 Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider Using Coupled Lines With Two Shorts
- Design Of Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider For Tri-Band Operation
- A Dual-Band Bagley Power Divider using Modified π-Network
- A Novel, Planar, and Compact Crossover Design for Dual-Band Applications
- Designing of the Triband feeding Network for the Helical Antenna
- Wideband 3 dB Branch Line Coupler Based on _ Open Circuited Coupled Lines
- Study, Design and new proposals in Phase-Shifters

Last updated: 09-03-2022