Ganesh Bagler

Ganesh Bagler
Professor (CB)
Ph.D. (2007), CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Contact Details
A-305 (R&D Block)
Ganesh Bagler is a computational researcher trained in physics, computer science, and computational biology. Prof. Bagler is well-known for his pioneering research in ‘Computational Gastronomy.’ By building keystone data repositories, algorithms, and applications, he has established the foundations of this emerging data science that blends food with artificial intelligence. Trailblazing research from his lab has significantly contributed to this niche area that deals with food, flavors, nutrition, and public health. A prolific interdisciplinary scientist, voracious reader, science communicator, and TEDx speaker, Ganesh Bagler is an explorer driven by curiosity. He enjoys probing the structure, function, evolution, and design of complex systems (proteins, brain, health, cuisines, languages, and creativity). Prof. Bagler has an audacious dream of transforming the global food landscape by ‘Making Food Computable.’
Research Interests
Complex Systems
Computational Gastronomy
Computational Biology
Network Science
Computational Creativity
Teaching Interests
Computational and Systems Biology
Network Science
Network Biology
Computational Gastronomy
Computational Creativity
Philosophy of Science