Bapi Chatterjee

Bapi Chatterjee
Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2018), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Contact Details
B-402 (R&D Block)
Before joining IIIT-Delhi, Dr. Chatterjee worked as an ISTPlus Postdoc Fellow at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria for two and a half years. Prior to that, he worked as a Researcher with IBM India Research Lab for two years post his doctoral studies. Dr. Chatterjee obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden in January 2018.
His current research interests are Distributed Machine Learning, Concurrent Data Structures, Neural Architecture Search, and Learned Index Structures.
Research Interests
Distributed Machine Learning
Concurrent Data Structures
Neural Architecture Search
Learned Index Structures
Teaching Interests
Data Structures
Parallel/Distributed/High-performance Computing
Machine Learning
Optimization and related subjects