Diptapriyo Majumdar
Contact Details
Dr. Diptapriyo Majumdar obtained his Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Computer Science from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai, India in October 2018. He has spent 2 years 11 months at Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom as a postdoctoral researcher. He did his B.Tech. in CSE from West Bengal University of Technology and M.Tech in Computer Science from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. His research area is primarily in the field of algorithms. He has largely worked in fixed-parameter algorithms for graph theoretic problems. In addition, he has also explored FPT algorithms for CSP based problems arising in access control of information security.
Research Interests
Parameterized Complexity
Graph Algorithms
Theory of Preprocessing Algorithms
Graph Theory
Teaching Interests
Courses related to algorithms
Discrete Mathematics
Theoretical Computer Science
Graph Theory