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Hostel Policies

Based on the recommendation of the Hostel Allotment Committee, the hostel is allotted to eligible students by the Hostel in-Charge. Ph.D. and M.Tech. students along with the students from outside Delhi are given preference in hostel allotment. Online applications are invited during vacations for existing students.

Hostel & Mess Fee Structure

A regular student was charged for single room occupancy and the twin-sharing basis an amount of Rs 90,000 and Rs 68,000 respectively for two semesters except breaks. Hostel fees are revised annually. Mess charges may be between Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000 for four months.

  • Hostel security will be refunded only at the time of passing out/ leaving the institute through No Dues Form.
  • Hostel Refund Form as attached Here
  • Hostel Application Form as attached Here
  • In case of Undergraduate admissions, the admission quota will be taken for the hostel allotment. The students admitted under Outside Delhi quota shall only be considered for the hostel allotment as an outside Delhi candidate.
  • The students who took admission under Delhi Quota irrespective of belonging to Outside Delhi shall be considered as a Delhi Quota student.
  • The distance of residence from the institute incase of Delhi Quota student will be taken as a parameter for hostel allocation.

Hostel Key Conduct Rules

  • The students should be medically fit to join the hostel.
  • The cooperation is mandatory for all the hostelers towards the hostel authorities. In case of any misdemeanor, the student may be debarred from the hostels.
  • Smoking, use of narcotics, consumption of alcoholic beverages and gambling are strictly prohibited. Any individual (s) found involved (actively or passively) in the mentioned activities will be permanently debarred from the hostel accommodation immediately.
  • If any prohibited material is found inside the room, the student will be immediately debarred from the hostel.
  • Any act of intimidation or violence, willful damage to property and drunken riotous behavior constitute an offence.
  • Damage caused to any room or common areas of the hostel, unless due to natural wear-and-tear, may be charged to individuals causing the damage, or residents collectively.
  • Hostel residents are not allowed to keep motorized vehicles on the campus.
  • Hostel residents are not allowed to leave the campus after midnight.
  • A non-resident cannot stay in the hostel overnight.
  • Cooking in the rooms is prohibited.
  • A student's parents and other same-gender guests may visit the student in his/her room from 8 am – 8 pm. Any other visitor can only be met in the common room of the hostel.
  • All hostellers are required to buy mess coupons. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed as per institute policy (500 for the first month, 2000 for the second month, and hostel room cancellation thereafter).
  • No Day Scholars Allowed in Hostel Rooms: Day scholars are not permitted inside hostel rooms at any time during the day or night.
  • No extra mattresses are allowed in the rooms except for the resident students/room allottees.
  • Common Rooms Access for Day Scholars: Common rooms will be open for day scholars from 8.00 a.m. until 8 p.m. After this time, day scholars are required to vacate the common areas.

» For More Details click here

» Hostel Fee Policies (Refer annexure 5) Gif Image

Fine List

The following fine may be applicable to the students as mentioned below
S. No. Type of Applicability  Applicable Fine
1 Rash Driving in the campus Rs. 2000
2 Damage to the institute property/ general equipment/sports equipment/any item not mentioned  5X to the cost and additional punishment
3 Illegal stay in the hostel (both allottee and the day scholar) Rs. 1000 and additional punishment
4 Unauthorized parking Rs. 500/night and additional punishment
5 Creating nuisance, dirtiness, littering any other Rs. 2000 and additional punishment
6 Allowing illegal entry to outsiders, alumni or anyone inside the campus or hostel Rs. 2000 and additional punishment
7 Misbehaving with Faculty/Officers/Security/FMS/Any one Rs. 2000 and additional punishment
8 Shifting of furniture without consent Rs. 500 and additional punishment
9 Illegal use of electric appliances in the rooms  Rs. 500 and additional punishment
10 Acquisition of any weapon, hazardous & banned substance  inside the campus Rs. 5000 and severe punishment
11 Any form of misdemeanor in infirmary, mess, hostel, inside the campus Rs. 3000 and additional punishment 

» Contact: Hostel related communications shall be done via only Emails sent to any other email id will not be entertained.

Last updated: 31-07-2024