Mukulika Maity
Contact Details
Mukulika Maity is an associate professor at the computer science department of IIIT- Delhi. She received her M.Tech. + Ph.D. dual degree from computer science department of IIT Bombay in 2017. Her PhD advisors were Prof. Bhaskaran Raman and Prof. Mythili Vutukuru. She received her B.E. in 2010 in the computer science department of Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur. Her research interests lie in developing networked systems solutions, designing solutions for dense WiFi networks, and developing mobile system solutions. She has been awarded the Early Career Research award by SERB in 2019. She is working on multiple projects funded by various organizations such as SERB, NSC, Arista Networks. She is interested in developing solutions for unique systems/networking challenges faced by developing countries.
Research Interests
Networked Systems
Wireless Networks
Mobile Systems
Teaching Interests
Computer Networks
Wireless Networks
Mobile computing