The main objective of the BTech (ECE) program is to equip students with necessary core competency to succeed long-term in engineering/ entrepreneurship careers after completing their B.Tech. and are preparing to undertake PG studies and research as career options.
As a discipline, ECE focuses on the design of underlying hardware systems. Our curriculum is directed to applications in major areas such as telecommunications, energy and electronics sectors, while encouraging development of necessary skills for integration of hardware and software components. We believe that many creative opportunities exist at the boundaries of traditional CSE and ECE, and have accordingly planned for cross-training of students across disciplinary boundaries. The curriculum for ECE therefore has many courses in common with the CSE program initially. Thereafter, the program in year 3 & 4 is structured to allow customization by individual students based on their own personal preferences.
The official regulations for the program are available here - given below is a description of the program, the courses, and some requirements.Program Structure
- Core courses in the first four semesters are mentioned below. Courses mentioned in [ ] are electives and the name mentioned is only an example.
- The semester mentioned for the core courses is indicative and suggested, and they can be done later/earlier also. However, the pre-requisite requirements must be kept in mind by a student, if he/she wishes to do a core course in some other semester.
- In year 3 & 4, students are required to select Elective Courses according to their choices.
Common 1st Year for both ECE and CSE Students
Core Courses for ECE in 2nd Year
In 3rd and 4th semesters, the course load will be same as in CSE – 5 courses, including one SSH/Communication skills. These core courses are given below: These courses will become pre-requisites for advanced courses in some of the streams.
Semester 3 | Semester 4 | Semester 5 |
Circuit Theory and Devices | Principles of Communication Systems | Digital Communication System – core elective Digital Signal Processing – core elective TCOM + Environment |
Embedded Logic Design | Integrated Electronics | |
Signals & Systems | Fields and Waves | |
Math III (Multivariable calculus, Vector Calculus, Complex Analysis) | Math IV (ODE and PDE) | |
[SSH/Advance Programming] | [Elective]... |
This course will introduce students to the various programmable logic devices (PLDs) available in the market and get them started with how to program such devices to develop simple applications. First half of this course will be targeting MCU programming and the second half will cover FPGA programming and synthesis.
Signals and Systems (S&S)This course is designed as a core course for second year of ECE students. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of continuous and discrete time signal representation, Linear Time Invariant Systems (LTI), Fourier series representation of periodic signals, continuous and discrete time Fourier transform, Laplace and Z-transforms and their application.
Maths III (Multivariable Calculus, Complex Variables, Vector Calculus):The course is intended to cover topics in multivariable calculus, complex variables and vector calculus. The topics included are those required for concurrent or subsequent courses in signals and systems, electro-magnetic theory and mathematics which most of these students will have to take as core courses.
Principles of Communication Systems (PCS)
The course is intended to be a broad introduction to Communication Systems. The course will develop understanding of the principles underlying communication systems, describe basic methods for communication and develop requisite mathematical background required for noise analysis of communication systems. The lectures will be supplemented by PyLab simulation exercises.
Integrated Electronics (IE)Analog electronic circuits and systems are present in diverse applications ranging from telecommunication to automobiles. It is therefore essential to understand the underlying theory and the techniques employed in the design of analog circuits and the associated components. This course starts with an overview of semiconductor technology. Subsequently it covers Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), Small Signal BJT models, BJT based amplifiers, Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET), Small Signal MOS models, MOSFET based amplifiers, High Frequency BJT and MOS models, Cascode Amplifier, Common Mode and Differential Amplifiers, Bode Plot, Gain and Phase Margins, and Active Filters. The course also includes a lab component in which the students will be introduced to a circuit simulation and design tool and to the standard laboratory equipments.
Fields and Waves (F&W)This course is intended to be a broad introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics and its applications. The course will develop understanding of the principles underlying time-varying fields and Maxwell’s equations, describe plane electromagnetic waves and develop its mathematical model for different media for its interaction with interfering planes. The second half of the course builds on the foundations covered in the first half and introduces the transmission line concepts.
Maths IV (Numerical Methods)The course is intended to cover the essential topics in differential equations and numerical methods required for concurrent or subsequent courses in the ECE curriculum.

Program Structure in 3rd/4th Years
- Most courses in Sem 5-8 are electives (an elective course is one which is not compulsory, and a student may have choices from which to select the courses he/she wants to do).
- Currently we offer elective courses in 4 streams; Circuits and VLSI, Communication Engineering, Signal & Image Processing and Control & Embedded Systems. Streams allow a student to focus on some areas of ECE. It helps a student to gain a deeper knowledge and skills in the selected areas.
- A student can complete one stream by doing at least 3 courses in that particular stream. A student will be strongly encouraged to ensure that at least one stream is completed, though is not required to do so.
- Besides electives and streams for specialized areas, streams and electives from domain areas (e.g. health, life sciences, finance, economics, E-Governance, sciences, etc.) may also be offered. A student may also be able to take CSE courses.
- Additionally, there will be a set of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) courses offered.
For BTech (ECE), the program structure, regulations about the program, including the requirements for graduation and the Honors program, are available here.
Last updated: 10-09-2021