We are thrilled to bring forth some exciting news! The Department of Human-Centered Design in collaboration with the Center of Design and New Media, at IIITD, is orchestrating a captivating 3-day Painting Workshop. Mark your calendars for the enriching artistic event set to unfold on September 15th to 17th, 2023, right within the inspiring confines of the IIITD campus.
Prepare to be enthralled as we present a remarkable opportunity. We've gathered a constellation of 8 renowned artists hailing from every corner of India, all set to generously share their mastery and journey with us. This workshop is designed to be a vibrant interaction, paving the way for participants to engage directly with these luminaries, seeking their guidance and insights.
Date: 15th to 17th September 2023
Place: IIIT Delhi Campus
Organizers: The Department of Human-Centered Design in collaboration with the Center of Design and New Media
Event type: Open to all
Fee: 800 for non-IIITDians, 600 for IIITD students
In case of any query, contact:
(Student Coordinators) Trilok Singh | trilok21361@iiitd.ac.in
(Student Coordinators) Prashi | prashi22371@iiitd.ac.in
(Faculty) Anoop Ratn | anoopratn@iiitd.ac.in

Last updated: 13-09-2023