Sayan Basu Roy
Contact Details
Sayan has obtained his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering from Jadavpur University, West Bengal in the year of 2014. Subsequently, he has completed his PhD from the control and automation group of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (January 2015-February 2019). He is working as an Assistant Professor at the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi since September 2018. His research on the broad area of nonlinear and adaptive control has got recognition in top-tier journals and conferences of IEEE control systems society. He serves as a reviewer of several reputed journals and conferences including IEEE transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, American Control Conference etc. His current research interest includes adaptive control for uncertain switched systems, online approximate optimal control using reinforcement learning based solutions, adaptive backstepping control and its variants, cooperative control of multi-agent systems, differential games, adaptive extremum seeking control, passivity-based control applications to under-actuated robotics, etc.
Research Interests
Adaptive control for uncertain switched systems
Online approximate optimal control using reinforcement learning based solutions
Adaptive backstepping control
Teaching Interests
Control Systems
Adaptive and Learning Control