Subhashree Mohapatra
Contact Details
Dr. Subhashree Mohapatra obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India in 2013. Prior to joining IIIT-Delhi, she worked as an Assistant Professor at SRM University A.P., India. She has four years of Post-doctoral experience at IIT Bhubaneswar, IISc. Bangalore (NBHM Post-doctoral fellowship: Spectral element method for Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations), University of Florida, Gainesville (Optimal control theory) and UTHSC San Antonio USA (Software development for PDEs related to Biophysics applications). Her primary research interests include development of high order efficient schemes for numerical solutions of differential equations, their implementation on parallel machines and optimization problems with differential equations as constraints. She has served as a reviewer for the journal IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Research Interests
High order schemes for numerical solution of partial differential equations
Optimal control theory
Parallel implementation of computational fluid dynamics related problems
Teaching Interests
High order schemes for numerical solution of partial differential equations
Optimal control theory
Parallel implementation of computational fluid dynamics related problems