Supratim Shit
Contact Details
Supratim Shit specializes in scaling machine learning and deep learning models using coresets. He completed his PhD from IIT Gandhinagar. He worked as a postdoc in the department of computer science and Robotics & Big Data Labs at Technion, Israel & Haifa University respectively. His research interests are randomized algorithms. theory & practice of ML/DL models. He has a keen interest in solving real world problems. He regularly contributes to top AI/ML venues like ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS & Aistats as both author and reviewer. During leisure time he likes to indulge in music and traveling.
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Research Interests
Randomized Algorithms
Randomized Numerical Linear & Multilinear Algebra
Theoretical & Practical aspects of ML/DL models
Teaching Interests
Randomized Algorithms
Randomized Numerical Linear & Multilinear Algebra
Theoretical & Practical aspects of ML/DL models