Tarini Shankar Ghosh
Contact Details
Tarini Shankar Ghosh is a computational biologist focusing on human microbiome research. He received his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, his M.Tech from IIT Kanpur and his Ph.D from the University of Hyderabad (while working at the TCS Innovation Labs of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd). After completing his PhD, he first worked at the Genome Institute of Singapore (as a post-doctoral researcher) and at the APC Microbiome Ireland at Cork as a senior post-doctoral scientist. He has published more than 50 research papers in notable journals including Nature Medicine, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Gut, Gastroenterology and Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He is a recipient of the Yakult Young Investigator Award in 2014 and the Torrent ISHR Young Investigator in 2017 and was selected for the Pathway Investigator grant awarded by the Science Foundation Ireland and Irish Research Council. He is also an author of multiple US/EU based patents, primarily pertaining to efficient metagenome-informatics algorithms and identification of putatively therapeutic novel microbial consortia targeting frailty and colorectal cancer.
Research Interests
Integrated multi-OMICs, metagenome informatics, machine learning and statistical learning